To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Matt Gohl, Special Projects Manager
Jack Cauley, Police Chief
Scott Smith, Facilities Administrator
Sam Varela, Police Commander
Karla McCrimmon, Court Administrator
Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with MW Golden for Police Department Improvements [100 N. Perry Street]
Executive Summary
Staff recommends Town Council support of a Resolution (Attachment A) approving a construction contract with MW Golden for a renovation of the Police Department that expands unused space in the basement while also addressing several ADA needs.
The Town’s Facilities Division, Municipal Court and Police Department identified an opportunity to combine their individual projects into one effort in order to maximize project efficiency. Improvements benefitting current and future police personnel will occur in the secured basement area, while most of the ADA improvements will occur in the courtroom and lobby restrooms.
MW Golden was selected to perform these improvements as the result of a competitive bidding process. Funding for this project is available as part of the 2021 TABOR excess revenues, as previously approved by Town Council. The construction contract with MW Golden totals $1,778,493, and staff is also requesting approval of a 10 percent Town-managed contingency, for total contract expenditure authority of $1,956,342.
In order to keep up with the growth of the Town, additional officers are sworn in annually. Current budget planning includes an additional 16 police positions over the next five years. More locker room, load out and other operational space is needed to accommodate current and future police personnel.
Additionally, the Town’s ADA self-evaluation and transition plan completed in 2021 identified several improvements at the Police Department building. Some ADA needs are being handled in-house and through other contracts. Coordinating larger interior ADA improvement needs with other facility expansion needs has resulted in a streamlined contracting process that will also minimize disruption during construction to the Police Department, which operates 24/7/365.
Design for these improvements was completed by HB&A, and staff performed a public bidding process for this project. Five contractors submitted bids as shown below:

As shown above, MW Golden submitted the lowest bid and has been selected as the contractor to perform the Police Department improvements. A summary of these improvements is listed below, with full plans available as part of the construction contract in Exhibit 1.
Basement Improvements:
• Convert old evidence room to expanded locker room facilities. The evidence room in the basement of the Police Department is no longer used to store evidence, since the Douglas County Justice Center now serves as the evidence depository. Utilizing this space will provide roughly 140 men’s lockers (an increase of 58 lockers) with new shower and restroom accommodations.
• Renovating the old men’s locker room will result in an expanded women’s locker room area accommodating 52 lockers - an increase of 34 lockers.
• The previous women’s locker room will be renovated into additional fitness space adjacent to the existing gym.
• The area in the basement once designated as a sally port and holding area for incarcerated individuals is no longer in use, since they are now processed at the Douglas County Justice Center. This space will house 62 additional load-out lockers, plus office space for the Traffic Division.
• Moving the Traffic Division will allow for an additional restroom and two quiet rooms to benefit officer wellness needs.
First Floor Improvements:
• ADA improvements to the main lobby bathrooms. Bathroom facilities will be expanded into an adjacent space currently used by one prosecutor.
• Relocation of the aforementioned prosecutor’s office into the courtroom area, plus the addition of a vestibule to address noise intrusion from the main lobby.
• Judge’s dais will be lowered and ADA access improved with the addition of a lift.
• Jury box accessibility improvements.
• Accessibility improvements to a women’s bathroom located within the secured staffing area.
If approved, construction will commence as quickly as possible and is anticipated to take approximately seven months.
This Police Department renovation will maximize space throughout the existing Police Department building to house current and future police personnel. Staff estimates that this project will accommodate additional Patrol officers for the next 10-15 years. However, additional space needs exist for Police support services including dispatch, victims’ advocates and other administrative support. Staff plans to further evaluate these space needs to determine how best to accommodate Castle Rock Police into the future.
Budget Impact
Funding for this project was approved by Town Council on July 5, 2022, as part of the 2021 TABOR excess revenue approval. In total, $2 million was approved for these renovations. These funds are budgeted in 113-0000-415.78.16 and available for use.
The construction contract with MW Golden totals $1,778,493. Staff also requests approval of a 10 percent Town-managed contingency in the amount of $177,849, for total contract expenditure authority of $1,956,342. Other project costs, including material testing and certain furniture, fixtures and equipment, will also be funded with the TABOR revenue funds and are separate from this contract.
Additionally, current planning is for the Police Capital Fund to repay the TABOR Fund for the growth-related portion of this project. Current estimates include $1 million in repayment, but actual amounts will be determined at the completion of the project.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends Town Council approval of a Resolution to move forward with a construction contract between the Town of Castle Rock and MW Golden to complete these Police Department improvements.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Alternate Motions
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).”
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on ___date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”
Attachment A Resolution
Exhibit 1 Construction Contract