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File #: RES 2019-077    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Calendar
File created: 6/20/2019 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 7/2/2019 Final action:
Title: Resolution Approving the First Amendment to the Town of Castle Rock Equipment and Services Acquisition Agreement with Moltz Construction, Inc. for the PCWRA Pipe Modification and Pump Installation
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1: Contract Amendment, 3. Attachment B: Map

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water



Resolution Approving the First Amendment to the Town of Castle Rock Equipment and Services Acquisition Agreement with Moltz Construction, Inc. for the PCWRA Pipe Modification and Pump Installation




Executive Summary


Castle Rock Water is seeking Town Council approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) approving a First Amendment (Exhibit 1) for an increase of $350,000 in the contract sum of the Services and Acquisition Agreement with Moltz Construction, Inc. (Moltz), for reuse pump station improvements.  The Town Manager approved the original agreement with Moltz for $175,000.  This amendment for $350,000 is required to complete the remaining site improvements, electrical work, and supervisory control programming and integration at the Plum Creek Water Reclamation Authority (PCWRA) plant, and would result in a total contract authorization of $525,000.


Staff has also been working with Moltz on improvements at the PCWRA to the pump station that will convey treated wastewater effluent through the dedicated pipeline to the Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course, for irrigation use.  A project location map has been provided (Attachment B).  Moltz is currently managing construction of the PCWRA 3 MGD Capacity Expansion, which is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2020.  Constructing the reuse pump station infrastructure during construction of the capacity expansion project adds cost efficiency and integration of the work for the reuse project.  Moltz will complete construction of the pump station on a time and material basis at the same labor, equipment, and overhead rates that are being utilized for the capacity expansion project.  Staff quickly executed the original agreement with Moltz in order to facilitate some immediate work that could be done, and to initiate purchase of some long-lead items.  A contract with Burns and McDonnell, the design engineers for the wastewater treatment plant expansion, was also executed for their help with electrical and integration design.  The First Amendment is required to complete the remaining site work, purchase and install additional appurtenances, and complete electrical and integration work once design plans are completed by Burns and McDonnell.  Castle Rock Water staff are also working with Global Underground to construct approximately three miles of new dedicated 8-inch reuse pipeline from the PCWRA to the Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course, with completion currently targeted for the beginning of August 2019.  The targeted completion date was originally mid-July, but weather delays and equipment lead times have pushed the schedule back.




History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


On March 27, 2019 Castle Rock Water Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of a construction contract with Global Underground for the Red Hawk Reuse Pipeline.


On April 2, 2019 Town Council voted 5-0 to approve a construction contract with Global Underground Corporation for the Red Hawk Reuse Pipeline in the amount of $1,381,314, and authorizing available contingency of $207,200.


On May 21, 2019 Town Council voted 7-0 to approve a change order to the construction contract with Global Underground Corporation for the Red Hawk Reuse Pipeline in the amount of $501,993, and authorizing additional contingency of $50,000, for a total project authorization of $2,140,507.  At that time, staff indicated to council that a 2nd quarter budget amendment in the amount of $500,000 was anticipated in order to complete the reuse pipeline and pump station improvements. 


On July 2, 2019, Castle Rock Water staff requested a budget amendment for an additional $500,000 for the Red Hawk Reuse Project.




Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course utilizes a dedicated deep well that pumps untreated raw water to the golf course pond for use in turf irrigation.  Peak summer irrigation demand at the golf course can exceed 600,000 gallons per day. This demand exceeds the golf course’s available supply by approximately 200,000 gallons per day.  Frequently, in high demand season, water staff supplements the golf course with raw water from the municipal supply system to meet the additional irrigation demand.  On occasion, water staff has also supplemented the golf course with potable water from the distribution system.


PCWRA has existing infrastructure that delivers reclaimed water to three golf courses in Castle Pines.  Water staff is implementing a project to deliver reclaimed water from Plum Creek Water Reclamation Authority’s treatment facility to the golf course for irrigation use.  Delivering reclaimed water to the golf course will reduce demands on the Town’s deep aquifer and alluvial groundwater raw water supply, treatment, and potable distribution systems.  Reclaimed water will provide useful nutrients to golf course turf and help the Town pursue the strategic plan objective of maximizing use of water rights, including reusable water.  Additional pump station infrastructure is needed at PCWRA to deliver reclaimed water to the Red Hawk Ridge Golf Course.  The existing deep well at the golf course will be repurposed for potable water supply once the reclaimed water system is in place.  Water staff is targeting the availability of reclaimed water irrigation supply for the golf course at the beginning of August of this year.


Project expenses to date, including this request, are summarized in the table on the next page:







PCWRA Pump Station - Construction


PCWRA Pump Station - Engineering


PCWRA Pump Station - Equipment Procurement


Reuse Pipeline - Equipment Procurement


Reuse Pipeline - Construction


Total Project Costs:




Budget Impact


Funding for this project was included in the approved 2019 budget, as shown below. Staff requested a 2nd Quarter project budget amendment of $500,000 for completion of the project.




Account Number

2019 Budget

Budget Amendment

Revised Budget

Red Hawk Reuse Line



$ 500,000




Staff Recommendation


Staff requests Town Council approval of a Resolution approving a First Amendment to the Equipment and Services Acquisition Agreement between the Town of Castle Rock and Moltz Construction, Inc., for the Reuse Pump Station at PCWRA, in the amount of $350,000, resulting in a total project authorization of $525,000 with Moltz. 


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”




Attachment A:                     Resolution

Exhibit 1:                                          Contract Amendment

Attachment B:                     Map