David Hammelman, Chair  
Tony Rathbun, Vice Chair  
Angie Brown  
Castle Rock Water Commission  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Brian Gaddie  
KiKi Miller  
Melanie Penoyar-Perez  
Cortland Wolfe  
Wednesday, March 27, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Castle Rock Water  
175 Kellogg Ct., Bldg. 171  
Castle Rock, CO 80109  
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in a hybrid format in accordance with  
Town Council Electronic Participation, Connected, and Hybrid Meeting Policy. The  
in-person meeting will be held at 1929 Liggett Rd. Castle Rock CO 80109 or this meeting  
can be accessed online at:  
Meeting password: Mar27CRWC (62727279 from video systems) or phone in by calling  
(720) 650-7664, meeting code 2499 568 0831. One or more Council members may also  
attend this meeting, during which the items listed herein will be discussed.  
A tour of the PCWPF will be offered from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm with the regular meeting  
beginning at 6:30 pm.  
7 -  
Chair David Hammelman, Vice Chair Tony Rathbun, Angie Brown, Brian Gaddie, KiKi Miller,  
Melanie Penoyar-Perez, and Cortland Wolfe  
8 -  
Jason Gray, Mark Marlowe, David Van Dellen, Nichol Bussey , Matt Benak, Roy Gallea,  
Erin Evans, and Paul Rementer  
Water Commission members received a tour of the Plum Creek Water  
Purification Facility.  
Time was allowed for Mayor Jason Gray to share a council update.  
Time was allowed for Commissioner Comments.  
Mr. Marlowe shared an update on the March DC Water Commission meeting.  
Approval of the February 28, 2024 Meeting Minutes  
Town Council Agenda Date: NA  
I move to approve the Minutes as presented.  
6 - Chair Hammelman, Vice Chair Rathbun, Gaddie, Miller, Penoyar-Perez, and Wolfe  
1 - Brown  
Resolution Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with  
Ranchview Investments, LLC for their interest in the Meadow  
Ditch Water Rights [along Indian Creek in northwest Douglas  
Town Council Agenda Date: April 16, 2024  
Mr. Benak explained that the Meadow Ditch Water Rights are located north of  
Sedalia on Indian Creek and Plum Creek. The water rights have an  
appropriation date of 1866 which makes them senior water rights. CRW has  
been talking with the owners for a while and finally came to an agreement.  
This purchase includes 20.7 Acre Feet (AF) of water, the Lambert Reservoir  
No. 3 and all associated easements and agreements. The purchase price is  
$828,000. CRW will also pay the seller’s legal and consulting fees up to a  
maximum amount of $10,000.  
Mr. Benak also explained that by adding this water to CRW’s current water  
rights on Meadow Ditch the total yield is approximately 71 AF per year, on  
average. With the reusability of these rights the total expected yield could be  
as high as 135 AF.  
I move to recommend to Town Council approval of the Resolution as presented.  
7 - Chair Hammelman, Vice Chair Rathbun, Brown, Gaddie, Miller, Penoyar-Perez, and Wolfe  
Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for  
the Construction of a WISE Pump Station at Parker Water &  
Sanitation District (PWSD) [PWSD’s Rueter-Hess Water  
Purification Facility in Parker, Colorado] DRAFT  
Town Council Agenda Date: April 16, 2024  
Mr. Benak shared that this item is for a cost-sharing intergovernmental  
agreement with Parker Water & Sanitation District (PWSD) for the  
construction of the WISE pump station and associated infrastructure.  
This agreement includes costs associated with the construction estimate,  
engineering services during construction, and third-party testing. The  
requested authorization is $8,797,605. At this time PWSD is waiting on the  
costs for gas and electric connections so CRW will bring those costs to Town  
Council at a later date.  
I move to recommend to Town Council approval of the Resolution as presented.  
7 - Chair Hammelman, Vice Chair Rathbun, Brown, Gaddie, Miller, Penoyar-Perez, and Wolfe  
Resolution Approving an Amended Agreement between the  
Town of Castle Rock and Douglas County for the Hwy 85  
Wastewater Project  
Town Council Agenda Date: April 16, 2024  
Mr. Marlowe shared an update on the Hwy 85 Wastewater Project.  
Resolution Approving an Amended Agreement between the  
Town of Castle Rock and Dominion Water & Sanitation  
District for the Hwy 85 Wastewater Project  
Town Council Agenda Date: April 16, 2024  
Mr. Marlowe shared an update on the Hwy 85 Wastewater Project.  
Resolution Approving a Purchase Agreement for the Lost  
Canyon Property - Including the Water Rights  
Town Council Agenda Date: April 16, 2024  
Mr. Marlowe explained that the Town of Castle Rock is working on an  
agreement to purchase the Lost Canyon property. The property is one of the  
last, large-acreage properties that have not been developed. This purchase  
includes 681 acres of land as well as the water rights attached to the property.  
The purchase is a joint cooperation between the Town of Castle Rock, The  
Conservation Fund, Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) and Douglas County.  
The purchase price on the agreement is for $14,126,021, plus a professional  
services fee of $501,411. Castle Rock Water’s portion to purchase the Water  
Rights is $1,300,000.  
2024 Rates & Fees Timeline and Deliverables  
Town Council Agenda Date: NA  
Ms. Bussey shared an updated on the rates and fees timeline as well as the  
planned deliverables.  
Resolution Approving a Services Agreement between the  
Town of Castle Rock and XXXX for the Front Street  
Downtown Connection, Ray Waterman Regional Water  
Treatment Center (RWRWTC) Pump Upgrades and Liggett  
Road Pipe Upsize Projects [Located in various locations  
throughout Castle Rock, CO] DRAFT  
Town Council Agenda Date: April 16, 2024  
Ms. Evans explained that this is a design agreement for several smaller  
projects that need to be completed in the CRW service area. The projects  
include: The Front Street Downtown Connection, Ray Waterman Regional  
Water Treatment Center (RWRWTC) Pump Upgrades and Liggett Road Pipe  
The purpose of the Front Street Downtown Connection is to design and  
construct a new 2600 Linear feet of 12” pipeline that can send water from  
Plum Creek Water Purification Facility (PCWPF) to the water main that  
connects to Elbert and Third Street.  
As WISE Partnership water becomes increasingly available to Castle Rock,  
pumping improvements are needed at the Ray Waterman Regional Water  
Treatment Center (RWRWTC). The Red Zone and Green Zone pumps will  
undergo several phases of upgrades to keep up with increasing supplies of  
water to the plant.  
PCWPF is currently in the design phase to double the capacity at the plant.  
As part of the expansion project CRW engineering has identified the need to  
install approximately 2,000 LF of 24-inch and 3,000 LF of 16-inch water main  
under Liggett Rd. to distribute the increased flows from the plant.  
The proposal cost is $405,500 plus a 10% contingency for a total requested  
budget of $446,050.  
2024 ColoradoScape Contest  
Town Council Agenda Date: NA  
Mr. Marlowe reported that CRW will again be hosting the ColoradoScape  
contest to give away a free $9,000 front yard makeover. The contest is being  
held April 1-30. A committee will select the top 5 finalists, who will then be  
placed on the Towns social media to be voted on by the community. The  
video with the most votes will receive a front yard makeover.  
Proclamation: mayor’s Challenge Supporting April as Water  
conservation Month  
Town Council Agenda Date: 1st Reading March 19th, 2nd  
Reading April 2nd  
Mr. Marlowe shared that April is Water Conservation Month and that Town  
Council will be making a Proclamation at the April 2nd meeting.  
Update on Water Commission Open Positions & Interview  
Town Council Agenda Date: May 21, 2024  
Mr. Marlowe explained that it is time for Water Commission member  
renewals. Tony Rathbun, Angie Brown and Cortland Wolfe are up for renewal.  
The application process opens April 1st and closes April 24th. Interviews are  
planned for May 14th at Town Hall.  
Chair David Hammelman, Mayor Jason Gray and Assistant Director David  
Van Dellen will participate on the interview panel.  
Upcoming Town Council Items  
Town Council Agenda Date: NA  
This is a standing item that will be used to share information about projects  
that are being worked on at the time of the meeting but that staff doesn’t have  
information ready yet.  
There were no items at this time.  
Time was allowed for Commissioner Comments.