To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
From: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
Discussion/Direction: 2018 Major Projects List
As the new year gets underway, it is helpful to set out a forecast of the 2018 major projects list. As with any forecast, it is subject to change. This serves as a short-hand outline for updates that will occur throughout the year.
Key priority: Ensuring outstanding public safety
Open Fire Station 152 in Crystal Valley, including adding 12 positions needed to staff the station
Add five positions in Police - a special operations sergeant, a public information officer, a community officer with Downtown parking enforcement duties and two dispatchers
Update the Police Department’s five-year strategic plan and launch a full-time mental health
co-responder program
Further establish the Town’s Public Safety Training Campus
Key priority: Enhancing our transportation
Improve the intersections of Founders Parkway and Allen Way and Founders Parkway and Crowfoot Valley Road
Install a roundabout at Wolfensberger Road and Plum Creek Parkway
Continue the annual Pavement Maintenance Program, focused in 2018 on eastern Castle Rock
Reconstruct Meadows Parkway between Prairie Hawk Drive and U.S. Highway 85
Install two new traffic signals - one at Low Meadow Boulevard and Meadows Parkway and the other at Plum Creek Parkway and Emerald Drive - and finish upgrades to the Town’s traffic signal system
Key priority: Securing our water future
Design and build upgrades to the Plum Creek Water Purification Facility for reuse water
Design and build a pipeline to the Town’s new diversion and reservoir north of Sedalia
Begin receiving WISE water and continue the Box Elder and Chatfield Reallocation projects
Continue implementing the financial management plan to minimize rate and fee changes
Key priority: Maintaining strong Parks and Recreation
Construct the Town’s next neighborhood park in The Meadows, near Aspen View Academy
Extend the East Plum Creek Trail south 2 miles to Crystal Valley Parkway, using $1 million in grant monies from Great Outdoors Colorado
Key priority: Supporting economic development
Invest $3 million in Arapahoe Community College’s Collaboration Campus project, which will bring further higher education opportunities to Castle Rock
Review and adopt a new Economic Development Strategic Plan
Key Priority: Managing Town fiscal obligations
Complete the 2019 Budget, along with the annual three-year financial plan and five-year Capital Improvement Program
Key Priority: Strengthening our unique community character
Consider recommendations to strengthen our unique community character, including those from a community task force
Implement enhanced communication to Castle Rock residents.