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File #: RES 2022-069    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/12/2022 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/21/2022 Final action: 6/21/2022
Title: Resolution Approving a Services Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company for Construction for the Ridge Road Widening and Plum Creek Parkway Widening Phase 2 Projects
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1 to Reso: Contract, 3. Attachment A: Proposal

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager


From:                     Daniel Sailer, Director of Public Works

                     Frank N. Main, Project Manager



Resolution Approving a Services Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company for Construction for the Ridge Road Widening and Plum Creek Parkway Widening Phase 2 Projects





Executive Summary


The purpose of this memo is to request Town Council approve a resolution to retain Alfred Benesch & Company (Benesch), as the Town’s Construction Administration Assistance and Inspection Consultant for the Ridge Road and Plum Creek Parkway Widening Phase 2 Projects. The scope of this work includes oversight, inspection and construction management activities to support the Town’s Ridge Road Widening and Plum Creek Parkway Widening Phase 2 construction projects.


The scope of work in this service agreement covers the period from Notice to Proceed (anticipated to be June 21, 2022) to project closeout (estimated to be July 31, 2023).


                     Anticipated Construction of the Projects: June 2022 to June 2023

o                     Ridge Road Widening from June 2022 to November 2022

o                     Plum Creek Parkway Widening Phase 2 from June 2022 to July 2023


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


Plum Creek Parkway Widening Phase 2


                     April 2018 - approved resolution for the design of the Plum Creek Parkway Widening project

                     September 2019 - approved resolution to construct Phase 1A project improvements

                     March 2020 - approved resolution to construct Phase 1B project improvements

                     June 2022 - approved resolution to construct Phase 2 project improvements


Ridge Road Widening

                     May 2017 - approved resolution for the design the Ridge Road Widening project

                     April 2022 - approved resolution to construct the Ridge Road Widening Project


The proposed service agreement was presented to the Public Works Commission on June 6, 2022 to receive a formal recommendation for Town Council.




Three firms, Benesch, Martin/Martin and David Evans and Associates submitted proposals for the Construction Administration Assistance and Inspection Services. A thorough selection process was used to evaluate and recommended a consultant for these services. The selection was based on the following criteria:


                     Firm’s Experience

                     Assigned Personnel

                     Project Management Approach and Motivation/Availability


Below is the ranking of the firms based on using the criteria listed above:


Total Ranking                     Consultant

#1                     Benesch

#2                     Martin/Martin

#3                     David Evans and Associates


Staff identified Benesch as the consultant that best meets the criteria set in the RFP. Benesch is a reputable firm that has successfully completed projects of a similar scope and nature. Staff contacted other municipalities for references and each one had outstanding comments describing Benesch’s work ethic and construction knowledge. Town staff is proposing to enter into an agreement with Benesch to perform the Construction Administration Assistance and Inspection Services for the Ridge Road and Plum Creek Parkway Widening Phase 2 Projects for a total amount of $474,100 (rounded). Town staff also requests a Town managed contingency in the amount of $47,400 (rounded) for any unanticipated issues that may arise

during the construction.


Budget Impact


The funds necessary for the Construction Administration Assistance and Inspection Services have been included in the 2022 project budgets as shown below.




Service Agreement Amount (rounded)                     $474,100

Town Managed Contingency (10%) (rounded)                     $  47,400

Total Encumbrance                     $521,500


                     FUNDING BREAKDOWN


                     Account                     Available                     Contract                     Contingency

Fund                     Number                     Budget                     Amount                     (10%)                     Total


Ridge Road Widening                     135-3175-431.78-84                     $1,090,858                     $255,200                     $25,500                     $280,700


Plum Creek Pkwy Widening                     135-3175-431.77-05                     $$269,000                     $218,900                     $21,900                     $240,800




Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends Town Council approve the Resolution as introduced by Title as the Public Works Commission voted unanimously to recommend that Town Council approve the Resolution as introduced by Title.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”


Alternative motions:


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions)”


“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on (date) to allow additional time to (list information needed)”






Attachment A: Proposal