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File #: ORD 2019-008    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 4/8/2019 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 5/7/2019 Final action: 5/7/2019
Title: Ordinance Authorizing the Exercise of the Town's Powers of Eminent Domain to Acquire Certain Real Property Interests Necessary for the Crystal Valley Interchange Project (Second Reading)
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Ordinance 2nd reading, 2. Exhibit 1, 3. Attachment B: Parcel Map, 4. Presentation: 2nd Reading

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Robert J. Slentz, Town Attorney

                     Robert Goebel, P.E., Director of Public Works



Ordinance Authorizing the Exercise of the Town’s Powers of Eminent Domain to Acquire Certain Real Property Interests Necessary for the Crystal Valley Interchange Project (Second Reading)




Executive Summary


Ordinance No. 2019-008 was approved on first reading April 16, 2019 by a vote of 6-0.


This ordinance authorizes the acquisition of property interests necessary for construction of the Crystal Valley Interchange under the power of eminent domain. Those property interests are attached as Exhibit 1 to the ordinance.  This ordinance mandates Town compliance with applicable statutory requirements on conducting good faith negotiations with the affected landowner, and requires all offers to be based on market valuation of the property interests to be acquired.  In most instances, the landowner will have the right to obtain an independent appraisal at the expense of the Town.


In the event the Town working through its property acquisition consultant is unable to reach agreement with the property owner on purchase price, time of possession, or other terms of acquisition, the Town Attorney will so advise Town Council. In that event, the Town Council will be apprised of the prior negotiations, and determine at a Council meeting whether the judicial process for acquisition of the property interests should be initiated. The property owner will have the opportunity to address Council at that time. To reiterate, this ordinance does not authorize the filing of a petition in condemnation under the eminent domain power absent a later express Council authorization.


As has been demonstrated on recent capital projects in which the Council similarly authorized acquisition of property interests by an eminent domain ordinance, good faith negotiations almost always result in an agreement with the property owner.  Consequently, we anticipate that Council intervention in the acquisition process will be infrequent.


Utilization of the statutory process provides certainty and consistency with property acquisitions and assurance that possession of the necessary property interests can be achieved within the projected timeframe and with payment of just compensation.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends approval of the ordinance as presented on second and final reading.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Ordinance as introduced by title on second and final.”




Attachment A:  Ordinance

Attachment B:  Parcel map