To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Tara Vargish, Director of Development Services
Discussion/Direction: Home Occupation Regulations
Executive Summary
Home Occupations are regulated as an Accessory Use in residential areas under Castle Rock Municipal Code section 17.52.230. On August 20, 2024, Council directed staff to provide an overview of this code section, what uses are or are not allowed, and to provide information on what our surrounding jurisdictions allow.
Possible Motions
Based on discussion at tonight’s Council meeting, staff is looking for direction to either amend the home occupation code section or to conduct additional outreach and to bring back a recommended amendment.
Possible Motion if Council would like further discussion and research on the types of uses:
“I move to direct staff to evaluate the list of prohibited home occupation uses, conduct additional research and community engagement, and bring back a recommendation for Council’s consideration.”