To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
From: Kevin Tilson, Director of Downtown Development Authority
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
Appointment: Downtown Development Authority Board
Executive Summary
A subcommittee of the Downtown Development Authority Board interviewed 3 qualified applicants in January and February. The subcommittee expressed that they had a very difficult decision choosing from the qualified and talented applicants. The subcommittee is recommending David Miles, who is residential property owner of 20 Wilcox Street and commercial property owner and business owner at 302 Wilcox Street, to the Town Council for appointment to the DDA Board.
The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is responsible for adopting and implementing the plan of development for the downtown central business district. The DDA works to facilitate economic development and the redevelopment of properties and infrastructure within the downtown area. The Downtown Development Authority, pursuant to State law and Ordinance No. 2008-39, contains: one member who is a member of Town Council, four members who are downtown property owners or residents, and two members who are either downtown property owners, business lessees or residents.
Proposed Motion
“I move to appoint David Miles to the Downtown Development Authority Board for a term ending on June 30, 2025.”