To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Jeff Brauer, Director of Parks and Recreation
Resolution Approving a Service Agreement with Academy Sports Turf, Inc., for the Replacement of Synthetic Sports Turf at Gemstone Park Project
Executive Summary
Approval is requested for resolution approving an equipment and services acquisition agreement with Academy Sports Turf, Inc. for the replacement of the synthetic turf at Gemstone Park. This athletic field was one of the first installed in Castle Rock in 2006. The field’s life expectancy exceeded its anticipated 10-12 year lifespan having been in place for sixteen years.
Academy Sports Turf will begin the installation of the new field in April 2022 and will replace 57,000 square feet of synthetic turf. The replacement turf has a 10-year warranty.
This project is part of the repair and replacement program identified annually through the Town’s budget and Capital Improvement Planning process. The replacement of the synthetic turf field at Gemstone Park has been budgeted and will be funded through the General Long Term Planning Fund.
Budget Impact
A sole source justification (Attachment A) is included for Academy Sports Turf as they have been formally awarded as the vendor through the TIPS cooperative purchasing group TIPS # 210205 and the product meets the needs of the Town of Castle Rock.
This expense has been budgeted and will be expensed to account item number 136-1830-418-78-47 in the amount of $292,000, plus a $17,000 contingency (5.82%) for a total amount not to exceed the $309,000 budgeted.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommend the approval of the resolution as introduced by title.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title.”
Alterative motions:
“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on _____ date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”
Exhibit 1 - Agreement
Attachment A - Sole Source Justification Form