To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water
Matt Benak, P.E., Water Resources Manager
Lauren Moore, Water Resources Project Manager
Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with Applied Ingenuity PM, LLC for the 2025 Denver Basin Aquifer Wells Rehabilitation and Pumping Equipment Replacement Project
Executive Summary
The purpose of the resolution (Attachment A) is to request Town Council approval of a Construction Contract (Exhibit 1) with Applied Ingenuity PM, LLC (Applied) for the 2025 Denver Basin Aquifer Well Rehabilitation and Pumping Equipment Replacement Project. In 2016, Castle Rock Water started a planned well rehabilitation program. This program is designed to help maintain water production yields from our current deep well assets and to reduce the likelihood of emergency well failures. The program targets wells that are showing declines in well yield and/or have been identified as equipped with older pumping equipment. This program has proven successful over the past nine years due to limited well failures during peak demand season, increased well efficiencies, decreased power consumption, and increases in well yield. The 2023/2024 rehab project included five wells and contributed to an increase in well efficiency of 9% over the past year, as shown below.
Year |
Well Production of 2023/2024 Rehab Project Wells |
2023 (pre-rehab) |
727 gpm |
2024 (post-rehab) |
790 gpm |
This spring, CRW is targeting three Denver Basin wells for planned rehabilitation and equipment replacement with Applied. Attachment B shows the locations of the wells that will be rehabilitated. CRW recommends approval of a construction contract with Applied in the amount of $670,574.00 plus a ten percent Town-managed contingency in the amount of $67,057.40 for a total project cost with Applied of $737,631.40. The schedule is critical for this project given the need for these wells during irrigation season. Work will begin immediately upon contract approval and is scheduled for substantial completion by June 2025.
Budget Impact
Funding for the project will come from the following account: CIP Repair and Maintenance - Wells 210-4250-442.40-37, which has a balance of $1,000,000.
Project Account |
Contract Amount |
Contingency |
Total Authorization |
210-4275-442.40-37 Repair & Maintenance - Wells - 2025 |
$670,574.00 |
$67,057.40 |
$737,631.40 |
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends Town Council approval of a Construction Contract with Applied for the 2025 Denver Basin Aquifer Wells Rehabilitation and Pumping Equipment Replacement Project.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Alternative Motions
“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on _____ date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”
Staff Report
Attachment A: Resolution
Exhibit 1: Construction Contract
Attachment B: Location Maps