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File #: ORD 2025-006    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Consent Calendar
File created: 1/15/2025 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado, Vacating Certain Subdivision Plats and Associated Site Plans That Have Been Superseded By The Dawson Trails Planned Development Plan (Second Reading - Approved on First Reading on January 21, 2025 by a vote 7-0)
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Ordinance, 2. Exhibit 1 Remaining ROW, 3. Exhibit 2 Remaining ROW, 4. Presentation

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager


From:                     Michael J. Hyman, Town Attorney

                     Tara Vargish, Director of Development Services




Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado, Vacating Certain Subdivision Plats and Associated Site Plans That Have Been Superseded By The Dawson Trails Planned Development Plan (Second Reading - Approved on First Reading on January 21, 2025 by a vote 7-0)




Executive Summary


In 1987 and 1988, the Town approved and recorded four subdivision plats and three site plans for the Dawson Ridge Planned Development, each of which have been superseded by Town Council’s adoption of Ordinance no. 2022-17 approving the Dawson Trails planned development plan and zoning regulations. For the sake of clarity for future development and platting, the Town Attorney and Development Services Director recommend that the Town approve the proposed ordinance formally vacating the superseded subdivision plats and site plans.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


September 7, 2021 - Town Council approved Ordinance Nos. 2021-019 and 2021-020 authorizing the exchange of property and the vacation of right-of-way within the old Dawson Ridge Planned Unit Development to enable the realignment of the west I-25 Frontage Road (Dawson Trails Boulevard) to accommodate the Crystal Valley Interchange.


September 6, 2022 - Town Council approved Ordinance Nos. 2022-17 and 2022-18 approving the Dawson Trails Planned Development Plan, Zoning Regulations and Development Agreement and vesting the Dawson Trails Planned Development Plan.


November 7, 2023 - Town Council approved Ordinance No. 2023-31 authorizing the exchange of property with, and granting of temporary easements to the Town to facilitate construction of the Crystal Valley Interchange Project.




Dawson Trails was first annexed to the Town in 1985 and zoned as the Dawson Ridge Planned Development. Roadways and infrastructure were constructed on the site in anticipation of development in the late 1980’s. Subsequent to that time, however, the original developer of Dawson Ridge and the associated metropolitan districts declared bankruptcy. As a result, in 1992, the Town entered into a suspension agreement with the districts prohibiting further development of the property until a new development plan and service plan were approved.


In September 2022, the suspension agreement was terminated, as Town Council approved a development plan and zoning regulations, as well as a development agreement with the new property owner, ACM Dawson Trails VIII JV LLC (ACM), for what is now referred to as the Dawson Trails Planned Development.  Over the past several years, ACM and the Town, have entered into a series of property exchanges to facilitate the construction of the Crystal Valley Interchange and the relocation of the West I-25 Frontage Road (Dawson Trails Boulevard). 


In an effort to further clarify the property records pertaining to the Dawson Trails property, ACM has reached out to Town staff, requesting the vacation of the following subdivision plats and site plans relating to the now defunct Dawson Ridge Planned Development:


                     Dawson Ridge Filing A - Final Plat, recorded March 18, 1987, at Reception No. 8707610, and the Affidavit of Correction thereto recorded October 5, 1988, in Book 818 at Page 272; 


                     Dawson Ridge Filing B - Final Plat, recorded March 18, 1987, at Reception No. 8707612 and Affidavit of Correction thereto recorded October 5, 1988, in Book 818 at Page 274;


                     Dawson Ridge Filing No. 11 - Final Plat, recorded March 18, 1987, at Reception No. 8707614 and Affidavit of Correction thereto recorded October 5, 1988, in Book 818 at Page 276; and


                     Dawson Ridge Recreation Center No. 1 - Final Plat, recorded March 18, 1987, at Reception No. 8818610 and Affidavit of Correction thereto recorded October 5, 1988, in Book 818 at Page 278.


                     Dawson Ridge Filing A - Final P.U.D. Site Plan, recorded March 18, 1987, at Reception No. 8707611;


                     Dawson Ridge Filing B - Final P.U.D. Site Plan, recorded March 18, 1987, at Reception No. 8707613; and


                     Dawson Ridge Filing No. 11 - Final Site Plan, recorded March 18, 1987, at Reception No. 8707615.


ACM and Town staff agree that this simple “housekeeping” measure is a reasonable step to assure clarity in the County property records going forward.


Staff Recommendation


The Director of Development Services and the Town Attorney recommend approval of the proposed ordinance.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the ordinance as introduced by title.”


Alternative Motions


“I move to approve Ordinance No. 2025-006 as introduced by title, with the following condition:__________. “


“I move to continue first reading of Ordinance No. 2025-006 to the Town Council meeting on __________.”




Attachment A - Ordinance

Exhibit 1 - Remaining ROW

Exhibit 2 - Remaining ROW