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File #: RES 2019-071    Version: 2 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/23/2019 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/18/2019 Final action: 6/18/2019
Title: Resolution Approving a Construction Contract between the Town of Castle Rock and Noraa Concrete Construction Corporation, for the Founder's Parkway (SH-86) & Allen Way Intersection Improvement Project
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Resolution, 2. Attachment B - Communication Plan, 3. Presentation

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Frank N. Main, Project Manager



Resolution Approving a Construction Contract between the Town of Castle Rock and Noraa Concrete Construction Corporation, for the Founder’s Parkway (SH-86) & Allen Way Intersection Improvement Project




Executive Summary


The purpose of the memo is to request Town Council to approve a Resolution approving a Construction Contract (Attachment A) with Noraa Concrete Construction Corporation (“Noraa”) for the Founder’s Parkway (SH-86) & Allen Way Intersection Improvements Project.  This project includes the widening of Founder’s Parkway (SH-86) from I-25 to Allen Way to add auxiliary turn lanes as follows:


                     An additional eastbound left turn lane from Founders Parkway to Allen Way

                     A dedicated right turn lane from Founders Parkway to Allen Way

                     An additional southbound right turn lane from Allen Way to westbound Founders Parkway

                     An additional I-25 northbound on-ramp lane

                     A second through lane at Allen Way and Allen Street


Felsburg Holt & Ullevig (FHU) the Engineer of record for this project has reviewed the bid received from Noraa and recommends them for award of construction.  Although their bid price was approximately $300,000 higher than the engineer’s estimate, FHU believes their price is reasonable and there are several factors that may have influenced the difference:


o                     The engineer’s estimate uses industry averages, including CDOT data, to determine unit cost.  Project specifics can have an influence on the actual unit costs that a contractor would submit that can’t be easily predicted by the engineer.

o                     This project is following the Local Agency funding process and therefore requires more effort on the Contractor’s end to accommodate the reporting process.

o                     The construction work zone and phasing of this project is very constrained and required a higher mobilization and traffic control than was predicted in the engineer’s estimate.


The project is under the approved 2019 budget.  Staff recommends that the contract for the construction of the Founder’s Parkway (SH-86) & Allen Way Intersection Improvement Project be awarded to Noraa, and the total encumbrance for this project be approved for a total amount of $2,579,000, which includes the Noraa Contract at $2,496,000 and a Town managed contingency of $83,000. 


Noraa is a reputable firm that has successfully completed projects of similar scope and nature.  Staff has received an excellent reference from City of Lone Tree Public Works.  Project completion is currently scheduled to be completed in the fall of this year.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


December 18, 2018 - Town approved an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town and The Board of County Commissioners concerning funding of the Founders Parkway and Allen Way Intersection Project.  Under the agreement Douglas County will contribute to the construction of the project in the amount of $250,000.


May 14, 2019 - The Board of County Commission approved the Intergovernmental Agreement 3-0 unanimously for their contribution of $250,000 to this project.


May 21, 2019 - CDOT gave its concurrence to award the project to Noraa Concrete Construction Corporation.  This project is a federal aid project.  As such, it requires that CDOT approve the contractor for award. 


Staff is scheduled to present this item to the Public Works Commission on June 3, 2019.  Their comments and recommendation will be presented to Council during the presentation.




The Invitation for Bid was advertised on BidNet on February 7, 2018.  A Mandatory Pre-Bid conference was held on April 8, 2019 for all prime contractors submitting a bid for this project in which four prime contractors attended.  The Town opened the bid on April 18 in which only one bid was received from Noraa. 


Public Works staff has coordinated with Community Relations on a communications plan for this project (Attachment B). The plan’s primary goal is to inform the traveling public in the area of the construction of the Founder’s Parkway (SH-86) & Allen Way Intersection Improvements Project.  Once approved staff will begin working with CDOT on communicating with targeted audiences, focusing on the key messages defined in the plan using, news releases, email, mail, and social media.


Staff expects to issue the Notice to Proceed in June with a 90-calendar day contract giving a completion date in the fall of 2019.


Budget Impact


Total approved IGA construction budget:                       $2,642,210

Total requested encumbrance:                       $2,579,000

Budget balance:                       $     63,210


The remainder of the construction budget amount of ($63,210) will be returned to the Transportation Capital Fund balance.


The construction cost for this project has been budgeted and will be expensed to Account Number 135-3175-431.78-38 in the amount of $2,579,000 which includes a Town managed contingency of $83,000.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends Town Council’s approval of the Resolution approving a Construction Contract between the Town of Castle Rock and Noraa Concrete Construction Corporation for the Founder’s Parkway (SH-86) & Allen Way Intersection Improvement Project in the amount of $2,579,000 which includes a Town managed contingency of $83,000.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”




Attachment A:  Resolution

Attachment B:  Communication Plan