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File #: DIR 2017-034    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Discussion/Direction Item Status: Filed
File created: 7/13/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 8/15/2017 Final action: 8/15/2017
Title: Discussion/Direction: Founders Parkway/Crowfoot Valley Road Intersection Improvement and Crowfoot Valley Road Widening 30% Design Review
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: 30% Design Review Sheets

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Tony Marusiak, Project Manager



Discussion/Direction: Founders Parkway/Crowfoot Valley Road Intersection Improvement and Crowfoot Valley Road Widening 30% Design Review




Executive Summary


The Founders Parkway/Crowfoot Valley Road Intersection Improvement and Crowfoot Valley Road Widening design has been in progress since the winter of 2016.  The full design is scheduled to be completed by December of this year.  The Town’s consultant, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., has created 30% design plans which are currently being reviewed by the Town and CDOT.  These plans are the result of Town, CDOT and public input during the preliminary design process.   The purpose of this item is to obtain feedback and any direction from Town Council for implementation into the final design.


The project is intended to increase safety by improving the operation of the intersection. These improvements will consist of the following:


                     Widening Founders Parkway (SH-86) to accommodate a second northbound left turn lane onto Crowfoot Valley Road including an additional northbound lane on Crowfoot Valley Road from Founders Parkway to Knobcone Drive to accommodate merging of the dual lefts.

                     An additional eastbound left turn lane from southbound Crowfoot Valley Road to eastbound Founders Parkway.

                     A dedicated free westbound right turn lane off of Crowfoot Valley Road with widening of Founders Parkway from Crowfoot Valley Road to Woodlands Boulevard.


Kimley-Horn is also designing the full four lane build-out, with median, of Crowfoot Valley Road from Founders Parkway to Knobcone Drive to reduce congestion in response to community input and the Transportation Master Plan. Completing the widening of Crowfoot Valley Road with the intersection improvements will also minimize impacts to the public by affecting the area one time instead of having to endure multiple construction years. Staff has requested additional construction funds for the Crowfoot Valley Road widening and Town Council will act on this recommendation as part of the 2018 budget approval process.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


After securing a FASTER Safety grant from vehicle registrations through CDOT in March of 2015 with funds available in 2018, staff budgeted for design and right-of-way acquisition in 2016/2017 and Construction in 2018.  Town Council approved the 2016-2020 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program on December 1, 2015.


On October 3, 2016, Public Works Commission was presented the results of the consultant selection process and the recommendation to retain Kimley-Horn to perform the design service. The final contract cost had not been determined at this date and the Commission did not have a quorum to approve the selection of Kimley-Horn. While no formal action was provided, the feedback provided by the Commissioners in attendance was favorable toward hiring Kimley-Horn should the final pricing come in under existing budget for the project’s design services. The final pricing did come in under budget and on November 1, 2016, Town Council approved the contract with Kimley-Horn.  The contract included design for the intersection improvement at Founders Parkway and Crowfoot Valley Road, as well as the widening of Crowfoot Valley Road from Founders Parkway to Knobcone Drive. 


Town staff and Kimley-Horn held an open house on June 1, 2017 to present the project to the public, solicit community feedback, and answer questions.  30% Design Review Sheets used at the open house are included as Attachment A.  Community Relations also created online feedback forms to help collect community input.  The design team will be installing street lighting and xeric landscaping in response to the public feedback and Kimley-Horn will also be investigating the ingress and egress of traffic at the Crowfoot Valley Road and Knobcone Drive intersection.  Concerns regarding the intersections outside the project area will be reviewed as part of the Public Works Department’s ongoing intersection analysis throughout the Town by the Traffic Engineering Division.  Another open house will be held in the fall during final design.  Additionally Town staff has met, and communicated directly with, several neighboring property owners to keep them up to date on the design.

Any large scoping changes would affect the overall project estimate and could impact the design and construction schedule.  Staff can review any additional questions or concerns voiced by the public or Town Council as necessary.    


Budget Impact


Currently the Town has budgeted $2,384,000 in the 2018 Transportation Capital Fund for the general scope listed in the bullets on the first page.  CDOT will reimburse the Town $1,602,000 as part of their FASTER Safety Fund Program.  An additional $1,076,000 of Town funds will be requested as part of the 2018 CIP to also widen Crowfoot to four lanes between Founders and Knobcone at the same time for a total project budget of $3,460,000.  

Staff Recommendation


This item is for informational purposes.  No formal recommendation from Town Council is requested.  Staff recommends proceeding to final design.



Attachment A:  30% Design Review Sheets