To: Members of the Castle Rock Water Commission
From: Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water
David Van Dellen, Stormwater Manager
Laura Kindt, Stormwater Project Manager
Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Service Agreement with DRC
Construction Services, for the Storm Sewer Video Inspection Services
Town Council Agenda Date: December 20, 2022
Executive Summary
Castle Rock Water is seeking Town Council approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) amending a Service Agreement (Exhibit 1) with DRC Construction Services, for Storm Sewer Video Inspection Services. A service agreement in the amount of $50,000 was awarded to DRC for storm sewer video inspection in advance of the 2023 Pavement Management Program. This amendment will award the full amount of the required services in the amount of $329,093, plus staff requests a 10% Town-managed contingency in the amount of $32,907, for a total project authorization of $362,000. Storm sewer video inspections will be funded through the Stormwater Fund. The Public Works Department is completing pavement maintenance for Eastern, Downtown and Primary Roadways in 2023. This project involves video inspection of the Town’s existing storm sewer infrastructure in advance of these Pavement Management Areas (see Attachment B). These Inspection services are scheduled to be completed by March 2023.
Notification and Outreach Efforts
All of the storm sewer inspections will be completed within Town right-of-way or drainage easements. Property owners and Homeowner Associations in the vicinity of the project, will be notified in advance of the start of inspection services and informed of the project’s scope and duration. It is anticipated that the majority of work will have minimal impact to traffic, however temporary traffic control may be required to complete a portion of the inspections.
This inspection project is intended to identify deficiencies within existing storm sewers to proactively complete cleaning maintenance and repairs as needed ahead of repairing and/or replacing roadways to minimize impacts to residents, reduce construction delays, and reduce cost and waste of rework of pavement.
Approximately 100,000 linear feet of storm sewer is located in streets and easements within the project area including Founders Village, Castlewood Ranch, along with portions of Woodlands Blvd, Mount Royal Drive, Second Street and Fourth Street. The scope includes four phases including video inspection, storm sewer cleaning, as-directed additional cleaning and post cleaning video inspection. Each asset will be tracked in electronic software and rated with a specific condition rating based on National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) standards. The total length of storm sewer in Castle Rock’s system is about 980,000 linear feet.
This is the first year the Stormwater Division will begin their program to systematically inspect storm sewers. This will be an annual program going forward similar to what is done for the sanitary sewer system. The concept is to inspect roughly 10 to 20% per year focusing on inspection in areas where pavement maintenance is planned in an upcoming year. Budget for this work was estimated at $138,000 for 2022 through 2026 based on historic costs for sanitary sewer. Therefore, the original schedule for completion did not anticipate council authorization. Based on the set schedule for 2023 Pavement Management activities, it is imperative that staff move that schedule forward to identify priority areas where full roadway reconstruction will be occurring. In order to allow for this, staff authorized a Not to Exceed Service Agreement in the amount of $50,000 in advance of council action on the entire contract. This amendment will allow for the full scope of services to be completed.
The Town solicited bids via Rocky Mountain BidNet. Bids were received from six (6) contractors and are shown below:
Contractor |
Bid Price |
DRC Construction Services HEI Civil JBS Pipeline Kantex/ProVac National Power Rodding Pro-Pipe *Disqualified for incomplete bid |
$262,525.00 $252,573.00* $140,310.38* $284,406.61* $531,480.00 $162,250.72* |
DRC Construction Services is the confirmed lowest bidder having submitted the minimum requirements for a complete bid. Bidders who were disqualified did not submit the required schedule and/or acknowledgment of addenda. DRC Construction Services has provided similar services to the Town in the past and in fact is currently completing a full system acoustic evaluation of the Town’s sewer system. Staff believes the price is a fair and reasonable price based on similar pricing from comparable qualified contractors as listed above.
Budget Impact
Funds for this inspection agreement will be charged to the account below and will require a budget transfer from stormwater capital account 212-4475-444.78-74 which has a budget of $307,000 in 2022. Staff will adjust the 2024 to 2026 budgets accordingly to account for the additional funding required in 2023.
Fund |
Account Number |
Amount |
Cont. |
Total |
Budget |
Technical Services |
212-4440-444.30-90 |
$329,093 |
$32,907 |
$362,000 |
$138,000 |
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends Town Council approval of a Resolution Awarding Amendment No. 1 to the service agreement with DRC Construction Services for Storm Sewer Inspection Services in the amount of $329,093, plus staff requests a 10% Town-managed contingency in the amount of $32,907, for a total project authorization of $362,000.
Proposed Motion
“I move to recommend to Town Council approval of the Resolution as presented”
Attachment A: Resolution (Not Attached)
Exhibit 1: Amendment No. 1 to the Services Agreement
Attachment B: Site Maps