To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
From: Bob Slentz, Town Attorney
Executive Session Report: May 2, 2017 Storage, LLC v. Town of Castle Rock Litigation Legal Advice
An executive session to receive legal advice regarding the Storage, LLC vs. Town of Castle Rock litigation was held at the beginning/conclusion of the May 2, 2017regular Town Council meeting. The participants in the executive session were: Town Manager Dave Corliss, Town Attorney Bob Slentz, Deputy Town Attorney Heidi Hugdahl, Public Works Director Bob Goebel and _____________________. For the record, if any person who participated in the executive session believes that any substantial discussion of any matters not included in the motion to go into the executive session occurred during the executive session, or that any improper action occurred during the executive session in violation of the Open Meetings Law, I would ask that you state your concerns for the record.
Seeing none, the next agenda item is ….