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File #: RES 2022-086    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 8/8/2022 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 8/16/2022 Final action: 8/16/2022
Title: Resolution Approving the First Amendment to the Town of Castle Rock Construction Contract with 53 Corporation, LLC, for the 2021 Police Department Parking Lot Improvement Project
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1: Construction Contract

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through:                     David L. Corliss, Town Manager


From:                     Matt Gohl, Special Projects Manager

                     Scott Smith, Facilities Administrator



Resolution Approving the First Amendment to the Town of Castle Rock Construction Contract with 53 Corporation, LLC, for the 2021 Police Department Parking Lot Improvement Project




Executive Summary


Staff recommends approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) amending a Construction Contract (Exhibit 1) with 53 Corporation to increase the scope of work included in the original 2021 Police Department Parking Lot Improvement Project.


53 Corporation was initially awarded the Construction Contract for the 2021 Police Department Parking Lot Improvement Project which included limited improvements to the sidewalk north of the Police Department and adjacent to Second Street. Staff proposes to increase the scope of work in this area to include reworking the drainage to alleviate winter icing while fully addressing the non-compliant ADA parking and building access. Completion of this work will result in two additional parking spaces on Second Street adjacent to the Police Department.


This increased scope is estimated to increase the contract cost by $186,532 and will be funded through the General Long-term Planning Fund. In addition to the amended contract price, a 10 percent Town-managed contingency is requested in the amount of $18,653, for a total Council authorization to pay up to $205,185 to 53 Corporation for this increased scope of work.




Town staff recognized an opportunity to address ADA non-compliance, winter icing issues and create two additional public parking spaces while completing a parking lot expansion project at the Police Department. Amending the existing contract with 53 Corporation to incorporate the additional scope of work will allow the work to be completed in a timely and efficient manner.


53 Corporation is a licensed contractor with extensive experience in completing these types of improvements and has experience with other Town projects. Town staff and the project engineer who designed the improvements reviewed the bid and recommend amending the existing Construction Contract with 53 Corporation.


Budget Impact


Time is of the essence to complete the project while weather remains favorable, so staff recommends proceeding with the work now, using already appropriated funds for the contract. Funding is available in the General Long-term Planning Fund for this project. The estimated cost of the increased project scope is $186,532. Staff requests total expenditure authorization of $205,185 for this project which includes a 10 percent Town-managed contingency. The total amended contract amount increases to $1,153,245.33 with inclusion of this expanded scope. Council approval is required due to the contract amount.


Staff anticipates using a portion of the 10 percent in requested contingency funds to pay for permits necessary to complete the project.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends Town Council approval of a Resolution amending a Construction Contract already in place with 53 Corporation to include additional ADA parking and building accessibility improvements as previously identified.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”


Alternative Motions


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).”


“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on ___date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”




Attachment A     Resolution

Exhibit 1             Construction Contract