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File #: APPT 2022-004    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Appointment Status: Passed
File created: 5/25/2022 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/7/2022 Final action: 6/7/2022
Title: Appointments: Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Art Commission

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through:                     David L. Corliss, Town Manager


From:                     Shannon Eklund, Executive Assistant



Appointments: Parks and Recreation Commission and Public Art Commission




Executive Summary


If Council approves the previous item, Resolution Redefining Membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission, this item is to recommend a candidate for appointment for the resulting vacancy, as well as a candidate for a subsequent vacancy on the Public Art Commission.


On May 17, Council approved the annual boards and commission appointments, in which Inger Hiller was recommended for appointment to the Public Art Commission. However, upon further staff review of the latest partial-terms rule determined that Inger was eligible to serve one additional term on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Inger has requested to be considered for reappointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission and, if approved, will resign from the Public Art Commission. The Interview Panel for the Parks and Recreation Commission is unanimously recommending Inger Hiller’s reappointment, for a term ending May 31, 2024.


With Inger Hiller’s resignation, the interview panel is recommending Ann O’Leary for appointment to the Public Art Commission. Ann O’Leary was interviewed during the Special Council Meeting on May 10, and the interview panel is pleased to recommend her appointment to fulfill the term ending May 31, 2024.



Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the appointments as outlined in the staff’s memo.”