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File #: RES 2025-026    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Calendar
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Resolution Approving a Town of Castle Rock Services Agreement Barricade Holdings LLC for the 2025 Pavement Markings Maintenance Program
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Contract, 3. Attachment A: Maps
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To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager

                      Daniel Sailer, Public Works Director


From:                     Megan Bednar, Traffic Maintenance Superintendent



Resolution Approving a Town of Castle Rock Services Agreement Barricade Holdings LLC for the 2025 Pavement Markings Maintenance Program






The Pavement Marking Maintenance Program (PMMP) is intended to ensure the level of service of the Town’s pavement markings, including, long line paint and durable symbol markings at larger signalized and roundabout intersections. This program is important toward enhancing safety on Town roadways. In typical years, the Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP) does maintenance on some primary roadways which includes the vehicle lane line (long line) marking maintenance and accounts for about 15% of all long lines. This allows for the PMMP budget to include other durable and safety marking maintenance. The PMMP budget for 2025 is $377,000. This amount is enough to mark the required long lines once. An additional $94,300 in a 1st quarter budget amendment is recommended to allow for replacement of several durable markings, a 2nd round of remarking before winter as necessary, and to account for any unforeseen changes in the PMP work areas. There is sufficient Transportation Fund balance as a result of previous year’ savings plus higher revenue amounts received to accommodate this budget amendment. Available capacity in the existing 2025 budget will be utilized to accommodate this additional $94,300 amount until a budget amendment can occur.

This service contract is an on-call agreement. It establishes set unit price rates, and staff will develop various tasks at these set rates. In January 2025, staff released a request for proposals to obtain a new contractor to complete the Town’s pavement marking maintenance. Two responses were received from qualified contractors, and interview questions were answered regarding quality control and project schedule. Both contractors are capable of completing the work for the Town. The following provides a summary of the unit pricing received in each contractor’s proposal. A majority of the priority marking tasks are long line 4-inch and 6-inch solid or broken paint, and lane line epoxy. While Kolbe Striping shows a lower total cost proposal based on estimated work scopes, Colorado Barricade has lower unit pricing for the Town’s priority tasks.


Based on the proposals received, staff is recommending a service agreement for equipment and services between the Town and Colorado Barricade. They have been the Town’s marking contractor for several years and continue to provide the Town quality services for this work. They are also the low bidder for the Town’s priority marking tasks, see Table 2. There is a possibility for two additional annual renewals under the agreement.

The cost amounts in Tables 1 and 3 are based on this service contract completing all the marking maintenance needed in Town, including tasks that will be completed by the Town’s PMP work. The approved budget for the Pavement Marking Maintenance Program is $377,000. The total estimated cost for re-marking all the long lines outside of PMP projects in the Town one time is $376,940. The estimated cost for maintaining the level of service for durable marking work totals $36,660 as outlined in Table 3 for a combined total of $414,300 for the most minimal pavement marking maintenance this year. An additional $57,000 is recommended to address any unforeseen remarking or changes to the PMP program. Staff will prioritize and manage the contractor’s marking tasks to remain within the available budget.


It is anticipated that long line work covered by this agreement will be conducted during the night in order to minimize disruption to traffic. The Pavement Marking Maintenance Program contract amount and night time painting exemption both require separate approvals by Town Council. The nighttime painting exemption is being recommended in the PMP’s exemption approvals. Should the night time work not be authorized, work covered under this agreement will occur during normal business hours.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


On March 3rd, 2025, the PMMP agreement proposal was presented to the Public Works Commission. An update on their discussion and recommendation will be presented before the Town Council meeting.

Budget Impact


This on-call service agreement with Colorado Barricade has a “not to exceed” price of $471,300 per year. The Pavement Marking Maintenance account (120-3120-431.40-35) contains an approved 2025 budget of $377,000. We will request a budget amendment to fund the remainder of this service agreement. Until the budget amendment and carry forward is approved, we will use the available capacity in the 120 Fund.





Staff is recommending approval of the marking maintenance contract with Colorado Barricade for a not to exceed annual amount of $471,300.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”


Alternative motions:

“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions)”


“I move to continue this item to a future Town Council meeting date to allow additional time to (list information needed)”






Attachment A:  Maps