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File #: RES 2025-025    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Calendar
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with ABCO Contracting, Inc., for the 2025 Bridge Rehabilitation Project
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Contract, 3. Attachment A: Bridge Maintenance Program Map, 4. Attachment B: Bridge Maintenance Program Bid Summary
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To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager

                      Daniel Sailer, P.E., Director of Public Works


From:                     Jason Hauser, Project Manager



Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with ABCO Contracting, Inc., for the 2025 Bridge Rehabilitation Project




Executive Summary


Staff is seeking approval of a resolution to enter into a construction contract between the Town of Castle Rock and ABCO Contracting for the Bridge Maintenance Program (BMP). Maintaining the Town’s bridges is important for public safety, travel efficiency, and as a means to extend the useable life of the bridge structure with the goal of maintaining each asset to the lowest total cost. These are goals that the community values in the Town’s Transportation infrastructure. This overall project is the annual BMP for the Town’s bridges and is intended to preserve the Town’s bridge infrastructure. This program meets the Community’s values of:


                     Low Environmental Impact

                     High Safety

                     Low Downtime

                     Low Lifecycle cost



The Town of Castle Rock allocates an annual budget to the BMP for necessary upkeep of the town’s bridges. This year’s maintenance focuses on the following key projects:


                     N. Meadows Drive Bridge over HWY 85: Waterproofing the bridge deck.

                     Plum Creek Parkway Bridge over UPRR: Repairs to the bridge deck and expansion joints


Maintenance locations are summarized on the map (Attachment A).


It is anticipated work will begin in early July and the project is expected to be completed by end of August.


The low bid results for identified work is $589,449. The staff requests a contingency amount of 10%, or $58,945 to address any unforeseen issues for a total encumbrance


of $648,394. Staff is comfortable with the contingency and believes the identified work can be managed to comply with the plans and specifications. Contingency amount will only be used if needed during the project. Any remaining contingency may be used to further expand the scope of work.


Notification and Outreach Efforts


Staff has developed specific public coordination outreach to ensure that residences and businesses will understand construction impacts and how this may affect access to individual businesses and residences. Public outreach will occur in numerous forms such as; 1) Town newsletters, 2) HOA mediums such as newsletters, 3) Town social media, 4) Press releases, 6) Town’s web site and others, and 7) Variable Message Signs. Residents and businesses will be notified of actual dates that work is to be performed, and traffic control plans will be developed and managed to ensure worker and public safety.




The Town maintains 38 bridges with a span of greater than 20 feet (major structures), in addition the Public Works Department maintains 7 bridges with a span less than 20 feet (minor structures). The major structures are inspected biennially through the CDOT Off System Bridge Inspection program. The Town will inspect the minor structures on the same schedule as the major structures utilizing an Engineering Consulting firm. Staff utilizes these recommendations to develop the BMP project for year.


Plans and specifications were posted on Rocky Mountain BidNet December, 2024 to solicit competitive bids. Bids were opened for the BMP project on January 23, 2025. The low bid was checked for accuracy, references were checked, and all documents were reviewed for contract compliance. Staff believes that the recommended contractor is qualified to perform the work associated with the respective maintenance contract. A summary (Attachment B) shows the individual bids, and the contractors.


Budget Impact


The approved BMP budget is $250,000. During the process of developing the project scope, additional needs were identified beyond the original scope and estimate.  Sufficient fund balance within the Transportation Fund is available to cover the forthcoming budget amendment. In the meantime, there is sufficient capacity in the existing Transportation Fund 2025 budget to cover this encumbrance request until the Budget Amendment can occur. The total proposed encumbrance is $589,449, plus a Town managed 10% contingency of $58,945 for a total of $648,394. A summary of the individual contract with bid amount plus contingency and the contractor is shown on the following table:





Staff recommends that Town Council approve the resolution as introduced by title. This item was reviewed by the Public Works Commission at their March 3rd meeting. Their formal recommendation will be provided at the Council meeting.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”


Alternative Motions:


“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title with the following changes ______”


“I move to continue this item to a future Town Council meeting date”






Attachment A: Bridge Maintenance Program Map

Attachment B: Bridge Maintenance Program Bid Summary