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File #: RES 2017-098    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Public Hearing
File created: 4/20/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 11/14/2017 Final action:
Title: Resolution Adopting the 2017 Stormwater Master Plan Update
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1: Master Plan Update

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Mark Marlowe, P. E., Director of Castle Rock Water



Resolution Adopting the 2017 Stormwater Master Plan Update




Executive Summary


Castle Rock Water is seeking Town Council approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) adopting the 2017 Stormwater Master Plan update (Exhibit 1).  Town Council adopted the Stormwater Master Plan in 2004, which established the Stormwater Capital Plan, Stormwater Maintenance Program and various other programs focused around water quality protection and floodplain management.  Since that time, significant planning efforts have been achieved through the adoption of nineteen drainageway master plans and approximately $9.5 million in stormwater capital improvements through the Stormwater Enterprise Fund.  The Stormwater Master Plan was last updated in 2010, which documented drainageway master plans and program achievements since the inception of the Stormwater Enterprise Program.  The update also provided a five-year roadmap for stormwater capital improvements and the remainder of the drainageway master planning efforts.  This update documents the remainder of the drainageway master plans which are now complete, provides for a comprehensive capital improvement inventory tool, establishes a priority matrix for stormwater capital improvements,  initiates a predictive maintenance program for public and private stormwater infrastructure and documents a five-year capital plan for the years 2016-2020.  The five-year capital plan includes approximately $16.4 million in stormwater capital improvements and was accounted for in the 2016 rates and fees study.


Notification and Outreach Efforts


This Stormwater Master Plan update is intended to document planning efforts that have been vetted through the public outreach process and previously adopted by Town Council.  The twenty drainageway master plans solicited public input on known problem areas, the alternative selection process and recommended improvements.  Public input was directly incorporated in the prioritization selection process.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


On October 25, 2017, the Castle Rock Water Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval to Town Council regarding the Resolution adopting the 2017 Stormwater Master Plan update.  On November 9, 2017, the 2017 Stormwater Master Plan update was presented to the Planning Commission as an informational item.




The goals of the 2017 Stormwater Master Plan update include:


                     Incorporating a stormwater capital replacement program for aging infrastructure.


The majority of stormwater infrastructure within the Town is less than fifty years old; however, there are portions of Town that consist of older material.  Additionally, approximately three percent of the storm sewer pipe is corrugated metal pipe (CMP),

which has a shorter design life.  This update provided initial budget estimates to account for rehabilitation and/or replacement of aging infrastructure.


                     Developing a comprehensive capital improvement inventory tool and producing a consistent cost estimating approach for all drainage plans.


A comprehensive database was created to track all stormwater capital improvements, including completed improvements and planned improvements.  Relevant data is captured for individual improvements including location, description, size, type, and installation date.  Completion status is tracked within each separate drainageway.  


Previous planning efforts did not include a consistent cost estimating approach, making it more difficult to estimate the long-term cost of planned improvements.  This update compiles all the capital improvement plans and integrates them into one uniform cost estimating system.  Cost estimates are calibrated with actual cost data on projects completed within the Town over the past ten years.  Cost factors including design, permitting, property acquisition and construction are incorporated.


                     Establishing a priority matrix for stormwater capital improvements.


Previous plans had set capital prioritization based on known problem areas and areas of concern as reported by the public.  A priority matrix was needed as a decision making tool for selecting five-year, ten-year and long-term capital improvement needs.  The priority matrix factors in variables including flood risk, erosion potential, upstream development impacts and stakeholder participation. 


                     Incorporation of minor drainageway capital improvements.


Since the inception of the stormwater enterprise, the program has focused a significant amount of effort on capital improvements for smaller waterways that connect development areas to the major drainage system.  These smaller systems, although not as visible as the issues surrounding major drainageways, have the potential to impact local streets, utilities and private property if left unattended.  This update provides for a budgeting tool to allocate funds toward minor drainageway stabilization. 


                     Development of a predictive maintenance program with a five-year maintenance cycle.


The stormwater facility maintenance program has been primarily focused on reactionary maintenance based on known problems, a limited number of scheduled inspections and public complaints.  This is primarily due to the limited resources available to adequately inspect and maintain the full stormwater network. 


This update develops a systematic approach toward predictive maintenance schedules and inspection protocols to ensure that all major infrastructure is considered on a five-year rotation cycle.  This model is consistent with other programs, including public transportation systems and the water distribution system.  This plan will allow the existing field services team to focus maintenance efforts in a targeted area of Town and provide the necessary asset management tracking to identify future resource needs as the infrastructure network expands. 


Budget Impact


The five-year Stormwater Capital Plan, as documented in this update for the years 2016 through 2020, is incorporated into the 2016 and 2017 Rates and Fees Studies with a total five-year budget of $16.4 million.  A four percent (4%) increase in stormwater rates and an average increase of fifteen percent (15%) in stormwater system development fees, was approved in 2016 to account for the updated Capital Plan.  The 2017 Rates and Fees Study indicated that no additional increases will be required in 2018 to implement the current plan.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends Town Council approval of the Resolution adopting the 2017 Stormwater Master Plan update.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”




Attachment A:  Resolution

Exhibit 1:                     Master Plan Update