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File #: DIR 2017-033    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Discussion/Direction Item Status: Passed
File created: 8/1/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 8/15/2017 Final action: 8/15/2017
Title: Discussion/Direction: Council Representative on CML Policy Committee
Attachments: 1. CML Letter, 2. Policy Committee Membership

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     David L. Corliss, Town Manager



Discussion/Direction:  Council Representative on CML Policy Committee




Executive Summary


CML has requested that municipal Councils determine who, if anyone, will represent their municipality on the 2017-2018 CML Policy Committee by August 18. Each CML member municipality is entitled to a voting representative on the committee.  An alternate may be designated, but only one representative from each municipality should attend.


The Policy Committee meets at CML, 1144 Sherman Street in Denver from 10am-1:30pm, as follows:


                     October 13 - Consider any member proposals, as well as any requests for action on potential legislative items brought to the committee by CML staff.


In addition, input will be taken during the Fall District Meetings held in September and October that will discuss CML’s policy process, seek input on policy-related issues or suggested legislative proposals to prepare for the 2018 legislative session, and to share what is happening in the municipalities.  A dinner will follow the business meeting. Any suggestions or recommendations made by attendees will be brought to the October CML Policy Committee meeting.


                     December 15 - Any new or remaining items will be acted on by the committee.  The CML Policy Committee forwards its recommendations to the CML Executive Board, which will establish the League’s formal positions before the legislative session begins on January 10, 2018. 


                     February 16 - The Committee will meet to make recommendations on legislation introduced in the opening weeks of the session, as well as take final action on any recommended changes to the CML Policy Statement. 


In addition, a CML Legislative Workshop will be held on February 15


                     June 21 - Full membership votes on any proposed changes to the CML Policy Statement will be taken at the CML Annual Business meeting during the CML annual conference.


Municipalities and CML sections also may now submit requests for CML-initiated legislation or policy positions on potential state legislative or regulatory matters. Committee members will receive a link to fill out requests online.


Staff Recommendation


Staff seeks direction from Town Council if they wish to have a Council representative on the CML Policy Committee, or if they wish to continue to have a staff representative. 


Proposed Motion


“I move to designate  ___ as the Council representative on the CML Policy Committee, and designate ___ as an alternate.”


”I move to continue with a staff representative on the CML Policy Committee.”




Attachment A                     Letter from CML

Policy Committee Membership