To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water
Matt Benak, P.E., Water Resources Manager
Walt Schwarz, P.E., CIP Project Manager
Resolution Approving the Third Amendment to the Construction Contract with Garney Companies, Inc. for the Plum Creek Water Purification Facility Expansion Project [1929 Liggett Road Castle Rock, CO]
Executive Summary
Castle Rock Water (CRW) staff requests Town Council approval of a resolution (Attachment A) approving a Third Amendment to the Plum Creek Water Purification Facility (PCWPF) Expansion Construction Agreement (Exhibit 1) with Garney Companies, Inc. (Garney).
The amount of the contract amendment is $41,821,534 and represents Work Package #3 (WP#3). This portion of the construction will include site concrete work, constructing the masonry building additions, process piping, HVAC, electrical with system integration work, and all other site and facility improvements. This proposed WP#3 is the final work package necessary to complete the overall PCWPF Expansion project.
As previously presented to Town Council, the PCWPF Expansion construction contract will be a Guaranteed Maximum Price Construction Management (GMPCM) arrangement. PCWPF is one of the most advanced water treatment plants in the nation and has won numerous awards including the Engineering Excellence Award 2022 (American Council of Engineering Companies). Construction work is to be awarded in three separate work packages. Garney was selected as the Construction Manager and General Contractor (CM/GC) through a competitive process and has a proven track record in the water and wastewater industry. GMPCM was successfully utilized by the Town for design and construction of the PCWPF Project completed in 2014 and PCWPF Advanced Treatment (AT) Project completed in 2021 (CM/GC was Garney for AT project). Upon authorization to award WP#3, Garney will begin ordering long lead electrical equipment. Garney has mobilized onsite at the PCWPF and is in the process of preparing foundation work for the new pre-treatment building addition. Overall construction completion of the project is planned for Spring 2028 (including startup of new facility).
The Final GMP for WP#3 based on project bidding documents (drawings and specifications), including General Conditions and other fees, developed by the Town and the design consultant in cooperation with Garney, was $41,821,534. Staff recommends executing an Amendment to the contract with Garney for WP#3 to construct the associated components of the Project.
Current known and estimated project costs are shown below:
Burns & McDonnell Engineering (BMcD) |
Design (including $119,444 contingency) |
$ 2,508,324 |
TCR Permit Fees |
Est. based on PCWPF Advanced Treatment project |
$ 120,000 |
Garney Companies BMcD |
Pre-construction services Constr. Phase Engineering Services (approximately 6% of Construction cost) |
$ 311,022 $ 4,016,202 |
Garney Companies |
Construction costs WP#1 (FGMP) WP#2 (FGMP) WP#3 (FGMP) |
$ 18,571,591* $ 6,739,585* $ 41,821,534* |
$ 74,088,258 |
Budget Impact
Funding for this project was included in the 2025 budget in the project fund shown below. Current account balance in this account is approximately $52,273,254.
Project |
Account Number |
This Contract |
Advanced Oxidation Facility |
211-4375-443-77-75 |
$41,821,534 |
Staff Recommendation
Staff and CRW Commission recommend Town Council approval of the Resolution as presented.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Alternative Motions
“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on _____ date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”
Staff Report
Attachment A: Resolution
Exhibit 1: Third Amendment to the Construction Agreement
Attachment B: Location Map