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File #: RES 2017-065    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 8/15/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 9/5/2017 Final action: 9/5/2017
Title: Resolution Approving a Variance Pursuant to Chapter 9.16.070E of the Castle Rock Municipal Code for the Wilcox Street Valve Replacement [2nd and Wilcox Streets]
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Resolution, 2. Attachment B: Location map

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water

                     Jeanne Stevens, P.E., Engineering Manager

                     Shawn Griffith, Operations Manager



Resolution Approving a Variance Pursuant to Chapter 9.16.070E of the Castle Rock Municipal Code for the Wilcox Street Valve Replacement [2nd and Wilcox Streets]




Executive Summary


The purpose of this memo is to request Town Council approval of a Resolution (see Attachment A) approving a variance to work past 10 p.m. at the intersection of 2nd and Wilcox Streets. Castle Rock Water Operations staff have determined that there is a mainline 12-inch water valve that needs replaced on Wilcox Street (see Attachment B). Due to the heavy traffic disruptions that would occur with daytime work and the requirement to put several businesses out of water during the time needed for the repair, staff desires to complete the work at night. Given the short duration of the planned night work (no more than one night) and the limited affected area (all businesses close for the evening), staff requests Council approval for night work beginning at 7 p.m. on the evening of September 6 into the early morning of September 7, with work to be completed by 7 a.m.


Notification and Outreach Efforts


Letters will be sent to affected businesses in the immediate area notifying them of the upcoming work.  The day before work begins, staff or the contractor will post door hangers reminding residents of the work. Town staff will have cell phones and be available onsite during the entire operation. Due to the timing of Council approval, initial notices will have to go out before Council formal approval of the Resolution. In the event that the night work is not approved, door hangers will advise businesses that the work has been canceled.




Noise from the project will primarily be truck noise and the sound of back up alarms on vehicles.  Nighttime work is less disruptive to those affected businesses along Wilcox Street, presents less traffic disruptions and creates a safer work environment. A working valve at this location is going to be critical to accommodating the future utility work at the River Walk building currently under construction. Traffic control will already be in place to accommodate the Festival Park improvements, and staff will further coordinate with Public Works to secure an approved traffic control plan.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends Council approval of a Resolution allowing work overnight at the intersection of 2nd and Wilcox Streets for the replacement of a mainline water valve. 


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.




Attachment A:                       Resolution

Attachment B:                      Location map