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File #: RES 2017-100    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Public Hearing
File created: 5/17/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 11/14/2017 Final action:
Title: Resolution Approving the Annual Update to the Castle Rock Water Five-Year Strategic Plan (2014-2018)
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1: Strategic Plan, 3. Attachment B: 2016-2017 Key Tactics, 4. Attachment C: 2017-2018 Key Tactics, 5. Attachment D: Key Performance Indicators

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Mark Marlowe, Director of Castle Rock Water



Resolution Approving the Annual Update to the Castle Rock Water Five-Year Strategic Plan (2014-2018)




Executive Summary


The purpose of this memorandum is to present Town Council with the annual update to Castle Rock Water’s Five-Year Strategic Plan (2014-2018) (Attachment A) for approval and adoption. This memo summarizes progress on implementation of the Strategic Plan over the last year, priority items for the coming year, and the status of key performance indicators developed as a direct output of strategic plan implementation. This is the final year of the five-year plan. In 2018, staff will begin the process of preparing the next five-year strategic plan (2019-2023).


Progress on implementation of key tactics has been outstanding. Of the 18 key tactics for implementation identified to Council in the Strategic Plan in 2016, ten have been completed. Six more are well under way. Key outcomes of the implemented tactics from 2016-2017 include:


                     A complete review of our long term stormwater capital, maintenance, operations and compliance plans and how they impact rates was completed - notably no increases in stormwater rates were recommended for 2018

                     Refinancing of our water resource enterprise debt resulted in huge benefits to our customers by reducing near and logn term needed rate increases which will save our customers millions of dollars in the years to come.

                     Communication training of all members of our team will help ensure we operate like a well-oiled machine and provide the best customer service possible.

                     Awards for our leadership in the State’s pursuing excellence and environmental leadership programs will keep us moving towards our vision and mission.


A complete list of the tactics from 2016-2017 and the status of them is shown in Attachment B. Priority tactics have been added to the updated plan for 2017 taking into consideration last year’s accomplishments, updated master planning, the changing needs of our community and national trends in business and utility best practices among other considerations. The key tactics added for this coming year as well as those that have been maintained from last year are identified in Attachment C.   


The Mission and Vision for Castle Rock Water have not changed and are presented below for context: 


Vision:  Castle Rock Water will be a national leader among water utilities, focused on customer satisfaction and delivering outstanding quality and value.


Mission:  We provide our community with exceptional service that protects public health and balances social, environmental and fiscal responsibilities in a sustainable manner.


The six major strategies put forward in the Strategic Plan continue to be relevant in this year’s update:


                     Strategy 1 - Ensure long term water

                     Strategy 2 - Utilize Town values to fulfill Castle Rock Water’s Vision and Mission

                     Strategy 3 - Enhance customer satisfaction

                     Strategy 4 - Maintain financial sustainability

                     Strategy 5 - Optimize infrastructure performance

                     Strategy 6 - Demonstrate industry leadership


Castle Rock Water will continue to utilize a strategic plan to achieve our long term goals and update Town Council annually on the progress. We will also continue to track key performance indicators developed as part of this plan (see Attachment D). In 2018, Castle Rock Water will prepare and present the next five-year strategic plan to Council for consideration.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


On August 23, 2017, Castle Rock Water Commission ….


Budget Impact


Since the plan focuses priorities based on community priorities, previous master planning, and the 2018 budget process, Castle Rock Water does not expect any significant immediate budget impacts beyond what has been identified in the 2018 budget.  The plan, as it is implemented, will continue to result in annual reviews of levels of service, corresponding staffing levels, operational resources, capital priorities, management of assets, and key performance indicators which will inform potential budget recommendations for the upcoming 2018 budget and beyond.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends approval of the 2017 annual update to the Town of Castle Rock Castle Rock Water Five-Year Strategic Plan (2014-2018).


Proposed Motion


I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.




Attachment A:                     Resolution

Exhibit 1:                     Strategic Plan

Attachment B:                     2016-2017 Key Tactics

Attachment C:                     2017-2018 Key Tactics

Attachment D:                     Key Performance Indicators