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File #: RES 2022-014    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/30/2021 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 2/15/2022 Final action: 2/15/2022
Title: Resolution Approving a Service Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures Project
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Agreement, 3. Attachment A: Proposal, 4. Online Comment, 5. Presentation

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager


From:                     Chris Sobie, PE, PTOE, Traffic Operations Engineer




Resolution Approving a Service Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures Project




Executive Summary


The Town was awarded a grant for this project, which is geared toward improving reliability by reducing downtime to drivers.  This is an element of value desired to be maximized from our stakeholders. The purpose of this memo is to request approval for the selected consultant and the allocation of funds to complete the services for Phase II and Phase III of the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Grant Project for Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM). Phase II and III includes updating Town software, developing a dashboard to support traffic signal data collection, and the retiming of four corridors in Town. Phase I included purchasing and installing vehicle detection and phase IV includes supporting the CDOT cloud platform to host Town databases. Phase I and IV are not included with this request. A request for proposals was released in 2021 and three proposals were received.  Kimley-Horn and Associates (Kimley-Horn) is the recommended consultant based on their qualifications, proposed scope of work, and previous ATSPM project history. A panel of Town and CDOT professionals unanimously chose Kimley-Horn as the best consultant to complete this project. Kimley-Horn’s proposal is included.


Kimley-Horn has provided a scope that completes all of the project goals and fee that is within the available project budget. Their proposed fee is $331,560. The scope and fee are included in Exhibit 1 of the Service Agreement. Of this amount, 20% or $66,312 is a local match, and 80% or $265,248 is grant reimbursed. Funding for this equipment and services agreement is within the available budget of the Traffic Signals Program account (120-3175-431.75.26). The agreement with Kimley-Horn is provided as an exhibit to the Resolution.


The project tasks are estimated to last a duration of nine months and there are two additional years of warranty and support.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


There will be a presentation on February 7, 2022 to the Public Works Commission to obtain the Commission’s recommendation to Town Council for the selection of Kimley- Horn and Associates for an Equipment and Services Acquisition Agreement for the ATSPM Project. An update on that recommendation will be provided at the Town Council meeting.




In July 2020, staff submitted a project application for the DRCOG 2020-2023 Regional Transportation Operations and Technology Set-Aside program to expand and improve our existing ATSPM system. ATSPM are an enabling technology that leverages data collection and analysis for proactive traffic signal management. Phase I of this project, currently underway and scheduled to be complete in Spring 2022, includes purchasing and installing advanced vehicle detection at 15 intersections. This ATSPM Phase II and Phase III of the project includes an equipment and services agreement to upgrade the Town’s ATSPM software platform, develop a traffic signal timing dashboard, and retime regional corridors. Phase IV is an integration of the Town’s data into the CDOT cloud platform. CDOT’s cloud platform is a regional data sharing platform which will allow ATSPM to be offered on a statewide platform. The regional corridors for this project include Meadows Parkway, Wolfensberger Road and Wilcox Street, Fifth Street, and Plum Creek Parkway. A map showing locations of the 15 intersections is included in Exhibit 1 of the Service Agreement. The Town’s project application was accepted and an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with CDOT was approved in February 2021. All of the Castle Rock traffic signals will be integrated into the ATSPM software and traffic signal dashboard.


A Request for Proposals (RFP) was published to Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing (BidNet) in September 2021. Three bids were received and included the following consultants:

•   Kimley-Horn and Associates

•   Lee Engineering, LLC

•   Olsson Associates


A panel of reviewers from the Town and CDOT reviewed each proposal against six criteria including project understanding and approach, implementation and project plan, firm qualifications, record of ATSPM implementation, and compliance with technical specifications. In accordance with the IGA, proposals were not evaluated based on fee. All five reviewers selected Kimley-Horn as their first choice based on qualifications, performance record of ATSPM implementation, and project understanding and approach. Staff then worked with Kimley-Horn to refine the attached Scope and Fee to suit the project goals and budget. Staff recommends Kimley-Horn be awarded based on their proposal and quality of referenced ATSPM work they’ve completed in the past.


Budget Impact


A breakdown of the budget impact is shown in the Table 1 on Page 3. This DRCOG grant project has a total budget of $868,700 with the Federal Highway Administration contributing $694,960 and the Town of Castle Rock contributing $173,740. The approved 2022 budget in the Traffic Signals Program account is $501,200, and a recommended capital carry forward from 2021 of $373,846 for this project would bring the available budget to $875,046. Until the capital carry forward is approved, the $13,360 project overage will be covered by the available fund balance until the amendment is approved. After purchasing necessary materials and installation cost from Phase I totaling $385,718 (encumbered 2021 funds), and the CDOT consultant amount for the ADAP integration of $150,000 (Phase IV), the remaining amount in the grant budget is just under $333,000.


The total encumbrance amount needed for the equipment and services agreement, including the contingency, is $364,560 and is within the available account budget for the project. For the agreement, $265,248 is reimbursable through the grant. The staff managed contingency amount of $33,000 (10%) will be covered by the Traffic Signals Account and will be used to add metrics or dashboard elements and address other unforeseen issues during the project.


Table 1. DRCOG Grant Funds

Total DRCOG Grant Amount

$ 868,700

Federal Funds (FHWA)

$ 694,960

Local Match (Town of Castle Rock)

$ 173,740

Town of Castle Rock Funds

2022 Traffic Signal Capital Program Total Balance

$ 875,046

2022 Traffic Signal Program Approved Budget

$ 501,200

2021 Unencumbered Traffic Signal Program Capital Carry Forward

$ 373,846

ATSPM Remaining Project Cost

Total Encumbrance for Kimley-Horn Services Agreement

$ 364,560

Kimley-Horn Services Agreement (Phase II and Phase III)

$ 331,560

Federal Match (FHWA)

$ 265,248

Local Match (Town of Castle Rock)

$ 66,312

Kimley-Horn Agreement Contingency

$ 33,000

Phase IV - CDOT ADAP Integration

$ 150,000

Total Remaining ATSPM Project Cost

$ 514,560

2022 Traffic Signal Capital Program Total Balance

$ 875,046

Total Remaining ATSPM Project Cost

$ 514,560

Remaining 2022 Traffic Signal Capital Program Balance

$ 360,486



This agreement is expected to commence in February 2022, once approved, and has a project schedule of nine months with on-going support and warranty for two additional years.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution to select Kimley-Horn for the completion of the ATSPM Improvement Project.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”


Alternative motions:


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions)”


“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on (date) to allow additional time to (list information needed)”






Attachment A: Proposal