To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Daniel Sailer, Public Works Director
Resolution Approving a Service Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company for Construction Administration Assistance and Inspection Services on the Crystal Valley Interchange Project
Executive Summary
The purpose of this memo is to request Town Council to approve a Resolution awarding a service agreement (Exhibit 1) to Alfred Benesch & Company (Benesch) to provide construction administration and inspection services for the Crystal Valley Interchange (CVI) Project. The amount of the service agreement is $4,783,652 plus a 10% staff managed contingency in the amount of $478,375 for a total authorization of $5,262,027. The proposed scope of work within this recommended service agreement includes full time construction inspection and construction management. The utilization of these services will help ensure construction of CVI is in accordance with contract documents and Federal regulations and will in turn be crucial for the delivery of this new asset to Town of Castle Rock residents and stakeholders.
Due to the complexity of this project, staff is recommending Benesch be brought on board prior to construction contracts being approved. This will allow Benesch’s team to take part in the final design elements of the project. It also increases their understanding of the project, which assists with minimizing potential change orders during construction by allowing them to have a comprehensive understanding of the possible construction phasing options to assist with moving into construction at the earliest possible date. See map (Attachment A) for an overview of CVI. Should construction not proceed for some reason, this service agreement can be terminated by the Town and payment made only for services rendered during the remaining design phase.
The approved project budget has included funding for these services, and the recommended total encumbrance is within this budget allotment.
History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions
CVI has been presented and adopted by Town Council in various forms within several Transportation Master Plans (TMP) updates which includes the 2017 TMP. CVI is currently the Town’s number one priority Transportation Project. Town Council approved the design service agreement with Jacobs in June of 2021, and the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) service agreement with Kraemer North America in March of 2022.
Due to the size and complexity of this project, current Town staffing levels need to be supplemented by a consultant for the management and inspection services that are required during construction for a project that is connecting to the Federal Highway system. Two firms, Benesch and RockSol, submitted proposals for the Construction Administration Assistance and Inspection Services. A thorough selection process was utilized to evaluate and recommend a consultant for these services. The selection was based on the following criteria:
• Firm’s Experience
• Assigned Personnel
• Project Management Approach and Motivation/Availability
• Fee
The scope of work proposed within this service agreement includes:
• Conducting regular construction coordination meetings with various stakeholders
• Scheduling and performing construction inspection activities
• Conducting traffic control inspection/reviews
• Reviewing submittals (shop drawings, material certifications, etc.)
• Reviewing construction schedules
• Tracking/documenting daily construction activities
• Producing as-built plans
• Verifying contractor pay applications
• Preparing contract change orders
• Providing project documentation
• Assisting with project utility coordination
• Providing materials testing and reporting
• Submitting certified pay requests per federal funding regulations
Staff identified Benesch as the consultant that best meets the criteria set in the RFP. Benesch is a reputable firm that has successfully completed projects of a similar scope and nature, and is currently performing construction administration assistance and inspection services on the Ridge Road Widening and Plum Creek Parkway Widening projects. Staff contacted other municipalities for references and each one had outstanding comments describing Benesch’s work ethic and construction knowledge.
Budget Impact
These services were originally accounted for within the approved 2023 total project budget in the amount of $7,100,000. The actual recommended encumbrance of $5,262,000 is below this budgeted amount. Staff has consulted the Finance Department and they agree with the proposed funding.
The service agreement cost will be expensed as follows:
Account number 135-3175-431.78-41 Crystal Valley Pkwy Interchange in the amount of $4,783,625 plus a Town managed contingency of 10%for a total project encumbrance of $5,262,000.
Staff Recommendation
Based on Benesch’s excellent qualifications, the Public Works Commission and Town Staff recommend that Town Council approve this agreement as introduced by title.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Attachment A: Project Map