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File #: ID 2017-062    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Update/Presentation Item Status: Filed
File created: 12/12/2016 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 8/15/2017 Final action: 8/15/2017
Title: Update: 2017 Mid-year Financial Review, Period Ending June 30, 2017
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Attachment A: 2017 Second Quarter Financial Reports, 3. Attachment B: Second Quarter Sales Tax Collections by Category and Geographical Area

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Trish Muller, Finance Director



Update: 2017 Mid-year Financial Review, Period Ending June 30, 2017





Executive Summary


Significant progress toward Town priorities has been accomplished through the first half of 2017. The following discussion and financial information reflects the overall positive financial condition of the Town and highlights the continued focus on strategic priorities established by Council. These priorities include:


                     Ensuring outstanding public safety:  Ongoing planning and design of the new Fire Station 152 is underway with construction planned to begin by the end of 2017. In addition, the Police Department has hired two additional officer positions previously approved as part of the 2017 Budget.

                     Securing our water future:  Castle Rock Water is working to provide high quality water service to customers, with a focus on the goal of bringing additional renewable water to the Town. Multiple projects are underway, including construction of additional groundwater wells, ongoing WISE partnership work and the acquisition of additional water rights and storage capacity.

                     Enhancing our transportation:  Design is underway on multiple growth related transportation projects, including the widening of Ridge Road, improvements at Crowfoot Valley Road and Founders Parkway and improvements at Allen Way and Founders Parkway. In addition, construction is underway on multiple street reconstruction projects and the annual Pavement Maintenance Program.

                     Maintaining strong parks and recreation:  The renovation of Festival Park is underway and is anticipated be complete by the end of the year


The financial information in this report also includes:


                     Discussion and financial summaries by major category for each fund included in the Town’s financial information

                     2016 Audited Year-end numbers

                     Incorporation of two Council approved budget amendments

                     Preliminary year end estimates are included for 2017. These estimates will be updated in the third quarter.


The overall financial condition of the Town through the second quarter remains strong, as evidenced by the information that follows. The year to date budget represented in this report has been adjusted to reflect seasonal trends and one time items within funds in order to provide a more accurate reflection of Town financial trends for the first half of the year.


Total revenues for the Town are about 2% lower or almost $2 million less, than the budget for the first half of the year. This is related to timing of system development fee revenue that is related to development activity in the town and charges for service.  Town wide expenditures are about 22% lower than budget, which is primarily due to the timing of capital expenditures and other projects.


While several factors contribute to the overall financial picture of the Town, below are other items of note through the second quarter of 2017:


                     Net sales tax collections are higher by more than 11% when compared to the first half of 2016

                     General Fund operational expenditures are about 8% lower than the amended budget through the second quarter

                     Overall development activity remains steady in the town during the first half of the year.  However, some variation may be found in some funds due to the type and square footage of actual development activity during the first quarter.


Staff also continues to monitor revenue trends concerning the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) and will continue to evaluate significant revenue sources such as Sales Tax and update 2017 TABOR calculations accordingly.


Proposed Motion


This memo is intended to be for discussion purposes only.




Attachment A:  2017 Second Quarter Financial Reports

Schedule A - General Fund

Schedule B - Transportation Fund

Schedule C - Parks and Recreation Capital Fund

Schedule D - Municipal Facilities Capital Fund

Schedule E - Fire Capital Fund

Schedule F - Police Capital Fund

Schedule G - Transportation Capital Projects Fund

Schedule H - General Long Term Planning Fund

Schedule I -  Water Fund

Schedule J - Water Resources Fund

Schedule K - Stormwater Fund

Schedule L - Wastewater Fund

Schedule M - Golf Course Fund

Schedule N - Community Center Fund

Schedule O - Development Services Fund

Schedule P - Employee Benefits Fund

Schedule Q - Fleet Services Fund

Schedule R - Conservation Trust Fund

Schedule S - Philip S. Miller Trust Fund

Schedule T - Public Art Fund

Schedule U - Economic Development Fund

Schedule V - Police Forfeiture Fund

Schedule W - Downtown Development TIF Fund

Schedule X - Special Events Fund

Schedule Y - Townwide Summary


Attachment B:  Second Quarter Sales Tax Collections by Category and Geographical Area
