To: Members of the Planning Commission
From: Sandy Vossler, Senior Planner, Development Services Department
The Brickyard Planned Development Plan and Zoning Regulations
[31.2 acres, located at 401 Prairie Hawk Drive]
Executive Summary
Confluence Companies has submitted a land use application for Planned Development (PD) zoning for The Brickyard. The site is approximately 31 acres and is located at 401 Prairie Hawk Drive, north of Plum Creek Parkway and south of Topeka Way (Attachment A). The property is currently zoned General Industrial (I-2) and is the location of the former Acme Brick facility. The Planned Development Plan and Zoning Regulations propose a mixed-use development with a maximum of 583 multi-family dwelling units consisting of townhomes and apartments, 92,000 square feet (sf) of non-residential uses such as office, retail, restaurant, and a 99,000 sf, 125 room hotel with a conference center and an outdoor performance venue (Attachment B). A 145,000 sf Town recreation facility is planned on 10.36 acres of public land. Associated roadway improvements include a connection from Prairie Hawk Drive to Plum Creek Parkway, plus widening and surface improvements to Prairie Hawk Drive to Wolfensberger Road.
Attachment A: Vicinity Map
Attachment B: The Brickyard PD Plan and Zoning Regulations
Attachment C: Neighborhood Meeting Summaries
Attachment D: Traffic Impact Study