To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
From: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
Presentation: Preliminary Proposed 2018 Budget
Executive Summary
On behalf of the Town staff, we are pleased to submit to Town Council and community the Town’s Proposed 2018 Budget.
Town staff will provide an overview of the proposed budget at the August 15, 2017 Town Council meeting. Town Council action is not required at this time.
The Proposed 2018 Budget is scheduled for first reading at the September 5, 2017 Town Council meeting and second and final reading at the September 19, 2017 Town Council meeting. Public hearings/public input on the proposed budget will be conducted at both of those meetings.
Attached to this memo is the 2018 Budget Message, which provides an explanation and summary of the proposed budget and major issues, along with the slides planned for use in the presentation.
The complete Proposed 2018 Budget, along with revenue and expenditure details and a four-page Budget in Brief document, is available on the Town’s website at
Attachment A: 2018 Budget Message
Attachment B: Proposed 2018 Budget Presentation