To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
From: Kevin Wrede, Planning Manager
Update: Quasi-Judicial Projects
Executive Summary
The purpose and intent of this report is to provide Town Council with a summary of quasi-judicial projects. In order to provide all parties with due process under law, decision makers must be fair and impartial when considering quasi-judicial applications such as those attached to this memorandum (Attachment A).
Many of the attached projects do not have public hearing dates yet, but Town Council could be asked to consider them in the future. The Town’s Development Activity map provides information on staff-reviewed applications and applications already approved by Town Council. Those applications can be found at: <>developmentactivity.
New Applications
Epoque (Heckendorf Multi-Family Project) - Project# PDP17-0002 - The Forum Real Estate Group has submitted a Major Amendment application to their Planned Development Plan (PD) which is requesting to change the maximum height allowance from 35 to 50 feet for a multi-family structure. The project site is located at the northwest corner of Plum Creek and Crystal Valley Parkway.
519 North Wilcox (Wild Blue Yonder Brewery) - Project # SDP17-0030 - The applicant is requesting to remove the non-historic structure on the property’s northern edge and replace the structure with a new building that will contain a micro-brewery and associated restaurant. The existing historic structure that contains the main Augustine Grill Restaurant is planned to remain.
Attachment A: Fact Sheets