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File #: RES 2019-051    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 3/11/2019 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 5/7/2019 Final action: 5/7/2019
Title: Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with T. Lowell Construction, Inc. for the 2019 Castle Rock Water Meter Replacement Project [Winrock Apartments and Aspen Meadows Townhomes]
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1: Contract, 3. Attachment B: Map

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water



Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with T. Lowell Construction, Inc. for the 2019 Castle Rock Water Meter Replacement Project [Winrock Apartments and Aspen Meadows Townhomes] 




Executive Summary


The purpose of this memorandum is to request Town Council’s approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) for a construction contract with T. Lowell Construction, Inc. (T. Lowell) for the construction of new water metering facilities for the Winrock Apartments and Aspen Meadows Townhomes.


The existing meters and meter pit facilities at the Winrock Apartments are 44 years old, and they are 35 years old at the Aspen Meadows Townhomes.  They have reached the end of their useful lives.  The meters cannot currently be tested to ensure that we are not incurring lost revenues due to meter inaccuracies.  The total annual revenue from these customers is around $22,000 per year.


The existing water meter pits at the Winrock Apartments will be reconstructed in a central location to serve the individual apartment buildings.  The meter vault at the Aspen Meadows Townhomes will have its internal plumbing rebuilt to extend its service life.  Staff recommends approving a construction contract with T. Lowell in the amount of $370,000.  In addition, Castle Rock Water staff requests a ten percent Town-managed contingency in the amount of $37,000, for a total authorization of $407,000.  The construction contract is included (Exhibit 1).


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


This topic was presented to the Castle Rock Water Commission at their April 24, 2019 meeting.  The Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval to Town Council.




Meters Services identified that the existing water meters at the Winrock Apartments and Aspen Meadows Townhomes need to be replaced.  A location map has been provided (Attachment B).  The Winrock Apartments metering facilities are individual pits located near each building.  The existing pits are undersized, making maintenance and testing very difficult.  A new regulation from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment will mandate that residential connections of all non-single family backflow devices be tested starting in 2020.  This testing is the responsibility of the customer. This project will construct two new meter vaults that will be centrally located within the complex’s parking lot. The new vaults will allow easy access for maintenance and testing of the meters.  This work will also benefit the customer by making maintenance and testing of the backflow possible.


The existing meter vault at the Aspen Meadows Townhomes needs to have its internal plumbing rebuilt.  The existing piping within the vault is corroded to the point that failure is imminent.  Staff is concerned that the isolation valve will not operate and that the piping may fail during the attempted operation.  This concern prevents the performance of the required maintenance on the water meter. This project will replace all of the internal piping and modify its configuration to allow for easier maintenance and testing of our meter.  The work will also benefit the customer by making maintenance and testing of the backflow possible.


This memorandum is to request approval of a construction contract with T. Lowell for the water meter replacements.  The project was designed by Castle Rock Water staff.  The invitation to bid was sent to eight qualified contractors.  Bids were received from three contractors, as summarized in the table below.  The Engineer’s estimate was $400,000.  The low bid was received by T. Lowell and is considered a responsive bid.



Bid Amount

T. Lowell







No Bid


No Bid


No Bid

53 Corp.

No Bid


No Bid


Budget Impact


Funds for this project are available in the 2019 budget under the “Distribution System Upgrades” (Account No. 210-4275-442.75-38) account. T. Lowell’s bid is $370,000. Staff requests a Town-managed contingency in the amount of $37,000, for a total project authorization of $407,000.


Project                                          Amount                     Contingency                       Total


Distribution Upgrades                     $370,000                         $37,000                     $407,000


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends Town Council’s approval of the Resolution approving a construction contract between the Town of Castle Rock and T. Lowell Construction, Inc., for construction of the new water metering infrastructure in the amount of $370,000, plus a ten percent Town-managed contingency of $37,000, for a total authorization of $407,000.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”




Attachment A:                      Resolution

Exhibit 1:                                          Contract

Attachment B:                      Map