To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Daniel Sailer, P.E., Public Works Director
Resolution Waiving the Town’s Formal Written Bidding Requirement on the Basis of Sole Source and Approving an Agreement for Service with Core Electric Cooperative, for the Crystal Valley Parkway and Plum Creek Boulevard Roundabout Project
Executive Summary
Staff is seeking Town Council approval of a Resolution approving an Agreement between the Town of Castle Rock and CORE Electric Cooperative (CORE) for the Crystal Valley Parkway and Plum Creek Boulevard Roundabout Project. A roundabout is currently in construction at this intersection. This agreement with CORE is to construct intersection lighting and the relocation of their existing facilities.
The amount of the contract is $386,069 plus a Town managed contingency of $38,931, for a total authorization of $425,000. The information presented herein includes the construction scope, anticipated construction timeframes, and budget impact.
Anticipated Construction Timeframes
A construction contract with Kraemer North America, LLC. (KNA), was approved December 20, 2022. If approved, the CORE scope of work will begin in March. KNA is expected to start construction in April with completion in the Fall of 2023.
Construction Scope
The construction scope for the CORE contract is as follows:
• Raise/lower distribution and secondary conductor due to construction
of a roundabout that will raise the grade 9 feet west of the circle and cut grade by 2 feet east of circle
• Reroute and set a switch for 3-phase distribution that serves the
Fire station, businesses and a water well
• Installation of new streetlights that align with the new roadway configuration
Due to existing roadway grades through the intersection of Plum Creek Parkway and Crystal Valley Parkway being changed with the construction of the roundabout, existing CORE facilities will need to be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the construction of the proposed improvements. Along with the adjustment of underground utilities will be the installation of new street lights to align with the new roadway configuration.
Public Works Commission was not convened to make a recommendation to approve this request due to several factors: CORE Electric is the sole provider of these services to the Town; as such, the Town cannot go out for bid or solicit, so the Town must sole source these electric utility relocations with CORE; and, time is of the essence to have CORE Electric relocate its facilities which must be moved for the project contractor in order to begin their work.
Budget Impact
Staff has consulted the Finance Department and they agree that there are sufficient funds in the Transportation Capital Fund for this project. A Budget Transfer was completed in 2022 to add an additional $1,755,000 into this project to account for the increase in costs as well as paying for the CORE related expenses without CORE Franchise Credits. The funds needed to pay CORE Electric is $386,069 plus a Town managed contingency of $38,931. As a result of all CORE franchise credits being held for the Crystal Valley Interchange project, funds within the Transportation Capital Fund have been allocated into the appropriate account code to fund this contract.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends the Town Council approve the Resolution as introduced by Title.
Proposed Motion
“I move to recommend that Town Council approve the Resolution as introduced by title”.
Alternative motions:
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions)”
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on (date) to allow additional time to (List information needed)”