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File #: RES 2022-016    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/4/2022 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 2/15/2022 Final action: 2/15/2022
Title: Resolution Approving the 2022 Water Usage Master Plan (WUMP)
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1: 2022 WUMP DRAFT, 3. Attachment B: 2022 WUMP summary of changes, 4. Attachment C: Five year Violation summary 2017 through 2021, 5. Presentation
Related files: WC 2021-119

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager


From:                     Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water

                     Rick Schultz, Water Efficiency Supervisor

                     Linda Gould, Water Conservation Technician



Resolution Approving the 2022 Water Usage Master Plan (WUMP)




Executive Summary


The purpose of this memorandum is to request Town Council approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) adopting the 2022 Water Use Management Plan (WUMP).  The WUMP is a demand management tool that identifies regulations, watering schedules to stagger demand, surcharges, and enforcement.  The WUMP is referenced in Municipal Code 13.15.040 and 13.15.050.  Minor revisions and administrative updates are proposed to the 2022 WUMP (Exhibit 1), and those are summarized in Attachment B.


Notification and Outreach Efforts


As defined in Chapter 13.15 of the Town’s Municipal Code, all customers will receive the 2022 watering schedule via United States Mail within thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the schedule implementation period (May through September).  Additionally, this information will be available on the Town’s websites ( and and promoted through Community Relations’ outreach avenues, such as Facebook, Twitter, Town Talk, and press releases.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


On January 26, 2022, the Castle Rock Water Commission was presented the 2022 WUMP.  Castle Rock Water Commission voted unanimously in favor of recommending Town Council approval of the 2022 WUMP as presented.




The WUMP focuses on two areas critical to water use management including public education on how demand management works and impacts each customer and implementation of the actual demand management tools including watering schedules, enforcement, and other tools.  The public education component has multiple opportunities for water conservation guidance.  While Castle Rock Water employs a wide range of tools for public education on efficient water use and conservation, the primary tool for educating customers on demand management is the Water Wiser workshop.  Successful completion of the workshop exempts a customer from the watering schedule (i.e. meaning they can water on any day necessary), but it does not exempt them from the restrictions on time of day.  Public education through the Water Wiser workshop has been very successful.  In 2021 alone, 549 customers attended the workshop and currently 3,497 customers are Water Wiser participants.  Since 2018, customers are required to renew their participation every five years to stay current with the advancing conservation techniques and equipment.  Castle Rock Water offers in person workshops in normal years, but created virtual workshops for 2020 and 2021.  Renewals can also be completed by taking an online course.  The ultimate goal is to get as many customers as possible to become Water Wiser’s.  The chart below shows the growth in Water Wiser participants over the last five years. 


Water Wiser Participants












The Town of Castle Rock has used mandatory water demand management for landscape irrigation since 1985.  Peak season demands for residential customers are staggered on an every-third-day format.  This is the traditional circle, diamond, square watering schedule familiar to our customers.  Consistent to what was originally adopted in 2019, the schedule period will remain May through September.  Other than hand watering, no watering during the daytime hours of 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. is allowed.  This format helps ensure our customers use irrigation water when it is most efficient and effective, ultimately saving customer’s money.  In addition, it allows positive pressures to be maintained throughout the water distribution system while maintaining appropriate fire flows.  It also allocates time for the finished water storage tanks to recover volume.


For non-residential customers, the watering schedule is three days per week allowing customers to water east of I-25 on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and customers west of I-25 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  Non-residential watering hours begin at 12 a.m. and must be completed by 8 a.m. on the designated day.


In order to accommodate resident’s use, Town owned and managed parks water beginning on their designated day at 9 p.m. and finish no later than 5 a.m. the following morning.


In addition to the watering schedules, the WUMP covers alternative schedules for customers with hardships that make complying with the standard schedules impossible and temporary irrigation exemptions from the standard schedules for things like establishing new plant material.  Other items covered in the WUMP include special circumstances impacting compliance, rules for other types of water use besides irrigation, definitions of water waste, and monitoring and enforcement.


Monitoring and enforcement is a key item in the WUMP.  This section covers surcharges for violations, a key item of importance to customers.  No changes are proposed to the surcharges for violations.  The surcharges for 2022 are shown in the table below.




1st - Warning, no surcharge

1st - Warning, no surcharge

2nd - $25 surcharge

2nd - $100 surcharge*

3rd - $50 surcharge

3rd - $200 surcharge*

4th - $100 surcharge

4th - $400 surcharge*

5th - $200 surcharge

5th - $800 surcharge*

Subsequent - $200 surcharge*

Subsequent - $800 surcharge*

*Subject to service discontinuance

*Subject to service discontinuance



The Watering Violations Summary from 2021 is included as Attachment C.  The philosophy and focus of the program is to educate customers and avoid issuing surcharges for violations.  While the water monitors have always issued violations, their direction is to contact the customer, explain the problem, and provide a solution whenever reasonable and possible.


Seasonal water conservation staff are hired every year to help monitor and enforce the WUMP.  In 2021, field water monitors were utilized as well as an administrative employee.  Staff anticipates increasing the level of seasonal staffing in 2022 to accommodate the additional service area.


The full WUMP is included as Exhibit 1 to Attachment A and can also be found at


Budget Impact


The budget for 2022 seasonal water conservation staff is $48,770 and is covered under account number 211-4330-443.10-30.  The seasonal water conservation salaries are estimated to exceed the budget amount by $37,910.  Any overage will be covered within the other conservation division funds.  Adequate additional appropriated budget is available.  The 2023 budget will be adjusted to prevent future overages.  The 2021 seasonal water conservation expenses were $45,037.13.


Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends approval of the 2022 WUMP as presented.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title.”


Alternative Motions


“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).


“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on ________ date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”




Attachment A:                     Resolution

Exhibit 1:                                          2022 Water Use Management Plan (WUMP)

Attachment B:                     Summary of proposed changes                     

Attachment C:                     Watering violations summary