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File #: RES 2017-067    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 7/28/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 9/5/2017 Final action: 9/5/2017
Title: Resolution Approving a Contract for the Construction Contract Between the Town of Castle Rock and Taylor Kohrs, LLC for the Construction of Castle Rock Fire Station 152
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Construction Contract, 3. Contract Bid

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Art Morales, Fire Chief



Resolution Approving a Contract for the Construction Contract Between the Town of Castle Rock and Taylor Kohrs, LLC for the Construction of Castle Rock Fire Station 152




Executive Summary


In 2015, the Fire Department presented a comprehensive Master Plan to Council that indicated a need for a fire station in Crystal Valley. Town Council formally accepted the Master Plan and financial planning for Station 152 began. The goal of the new station is to maintain current service levels to the Crystal Valley area as warrants for the new station have been met. Implementation of the plan is progressing; with an Owner’s Representative being selected (Dunakilly Management Group), additional station site property acquired, and the architectural services being completed by the architectural firm Short Elliot Henderson (SEH).

A request for qualifications (RFQ) of general contractors was released in 2017, and seven general contractors were identified as being qualified for the project. Six general contractors submitted bids. Those contractors were:

                     MW Golden Construction                         $4,178,388

                     Gilmore Construction                               $4,157,779

                     GH Phillips Construction                          $4,018,000

                     White Construction                                   $3,987,600

                     GTC Construction                                    $3,794,074

                     Taylor Kohrs Construction                     $3,612,410


The 2017 Budget includes a total of $5,036,299 for the design and construction of Fire Station 152.  After year-to-date expenses for planning and design, plus encumbered funds for remaining design fees, the available remaining budget for the year is $4,687,398. The lowest bid received for construction of the new fire station, as identified above, was received from Taylor Kohrs Construction totaling $3,612,410. Other project cost estimates, in addition to this construction contract, are identified below:


Permits & Fees                      $165,455

Traffic Signal                      $160,000

Fuel Storage                      $    7,898

Cabling (Communication)                      $    9,603

Cabling (Electronic Safety & Security)                      $  25,255

Soils Testing                      $16,000

Project Management                      $68,655

Town Managed Contingency                      $622,122

Total Other Costs & Contingency                      $1,074,988


These other costs, along with a Town Managed contingency of approximately 17% of the construction contract, will result in the Fire Station 152 project being right at the budgeted amount for 2017.  Duration from Notice to Proceed thru Certification of Occupancy is 243 calendar days per the contract.


As Taylor Kohrs is the low bid, are a pre-qualified bidder, and successfully completed the construction of the Utilities O&M building at established budget, staff recommends Taylor Kohrs be awarded the construction contract for Station 152.



Notification and Outreach Efforts


An open house was conducted at the Plum Creek Country Club with over 100 residents in attendance. Community support for the project was overwhelming, with the community providing input on the exterior elevations of the station. Those recommendations were included in the final design.



History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


The Station Project was presented to the Public Safety Commission, who unanimously voted in favor of the project, and use of the low bid contractor.




In 2015, the Fire Department presented a comprehensive Master Plan to Council that indicated a need for a fire station in Crystal Valley. Town Council formally accepted the Master Plan and financial planning for Station 152 began. The goal of the new station is to maintain current service levels to the Crystal Valley area as warrants for the new station have been met. Those warrants are defined as 300 calls per year for the area to be served by the new station, and were met in 2017.

Implementation of the plan is began in 2016, with the selection of an Owner’s Representative (Dunakilly Management Group), the acquisition of additional station site property, and the architectural services being completed by the architectural firm Short Elliot Henderson (SEH). Building plans for the project were submitted to the Town for review in early June.


A request for qualifications (RFQ) of General Contractors was released in winter of 2017, and 12 contractors submitted packets. Of the 12 applicants, seven general contractors were identified as being qualified for the project. These contractors were selected based on the following criterion:

1. Qualifications and experience of the teams, as indicated by prior successful completion of similar projects. (10 points)

2. Qualifications and experience of the key individuals, (including sub-consultants) who will be assigned to this project, as indicated by prior involvement in similar projects. (15 points)

3. Proposed approach to completion of the scope of work and understanding of the project and project issues. (10 points)

4. Capacity to successfully address the constraints of the established construction budget as well as strategies for providing effective life-cycle operating costs and energy efficiency benefits. (5 points)

5.WHEN RECEIVED: Fee Proposal, specifically base services, reimbursables, and proposed hourly rates for key personnel will be evaluated and rated in terms of responsiveness and value. (10 points)


Of the seven selected contractors, six general contractors submitted bids. Those contractors were:

                     MW Golden Construction                         $4,178,388

                     Gilmore Construction                               $4,157,779

                     GH Phillips Construction                          $4,018,000

                     White Construction                                   $3,987,600

                     GTC Construction                                    $3,794,074

                     Taylor Kohrs Construction                     $3,612,410


Taylor Kohrs was identified as the general contractor that built the Utilities O&M building in 2016. Town staff who interfaced with Taylor Kohrs found them easy to work with, responsive to requests, and considerate of the project budget. Selection of Taylor Kohrs for the fire station project was supported and recommended by Utilities staff.


The 2017 Budget includes a total of $5,036,299 for the design and construction of Fire Station 152.  After year-to-date expenses for planning and design, plus encumbered funds for remaining design fees, the available remaining budget for the year is $4,687,398. The lowest bid received for construction of the new fire station, as identified above, was received from Taylor Kohrs Construction totaling $3,612,410. Other project cost estimates, in addition to this construction contract, are identified below:


Permits & Fees                      $165,455

Traffic Signal                      $160,000

Fuel Storage                      $7,898

Cabling (Communication)                      $9,603

Cabling (Electronic Safety & Security)                      $25,255

Soils Testing                      $16,000

Project Management                      $68,655

Town Managed Contingency                      $622,122

Total Other Costs & Contingency                      $1,074,988


These other costs, along with a Town Managed contingency of approximately 17% of the construction contract, will result in the Fire Station 152 project being right at the budgeted amount for 2017. Duration from Notice to Proceed thru Certification of Occupancy is 243 Calendar Days per the contract.


As Taylor Kohrs is the low bid, is a pre-qualified bidder, and successfully completed the construction of the Utilities O&M building at established budget, staff recommends Taylor Kohrs be awarded the construction contract for Station 152.


Budget Impact


Encumbered contract is $3,612,410 and is within the established budget.



Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends awarding of the construction contract for Station 152 to Taylor Kohrs Construction.



Proposed Motion


I move to approve the Resolution awarding the contract for construction of Station 152 to Taylor Kohrs Construction in the amount of $3,612,410, and an additional Town Managed contingency of $622,122. 





Construction Contract