To: Members of the Planning Commission
From: Tara Vargish, Director Development Services
Pete Mangers, Executive Director, Castle Rock Urban Renewal Authority
Brickyard Urban Renewal Authority Plan
Executive Summary
The purpose and intent of this report is to seek a Planning Commission recommendation to Town Council whether the proposed Brickyard Urban Renewal Authority Plan (Attachment A) is consistent with the Town of Castle Rock’s Comprehensive Master Plan (Comprehensive Plan).
Staff received an Urban Renewal Area (URA) Plan application for properties located at 401 Prairie Hawk Drive, generally northwest of the Plum Creek Parkway interchange and Interstate 25. This property was previously developed in 1982 and utilized as a brick manufacturing site. Numerous empty buildings, bricks and equipment were left on the site with the brick company closed several years ago.
Staff has been working with the property owners and legal counsel to prepare an acceptable URA plan for review by the URA Board of Commissioners and approval by Town Council. Authority for Planning Commission review of a URA application is limited as stated within the Colorado URA Statute. “Prior to its approval of an urban renewal plan, the governing body shall submit such plan to the planning commission of the municipality, if any, for review and recommendations as to its conformity with the general plan for the development of the municipality as a whole.” Statute reference to the general plan is interpreted as the Town’s Comprehensive Plan for this application.
Attachment A: Brickyard URA Plan