To: Members of the Planning Commission
From: Sandy Vossler, Senior Planner, Development Services Department
Canyons Far South Annexation, Planned Development Plan and Zoning Regulations [409 acres, located east of Founders Parkway, north of Crimson Sky Drive and west of Castle Oaks Drive]
Executive Summary
Canyons South, LLC (applicant) has submitted a Petition for Annexation and accompanying plat map (Attachment B and C) and is requesting approval of the Canyons Far South Annexation, a 409-acre property located northeast of the intersection of Founders Parkway and Crimson Sky Drive (Attachment A). The applicant proposes to zone the property as a planned development (PD), and is seeking approval of the Canyons Far South Planned Development Plan and Zoning Regulations (Attachment D).
Please see the attached Staff Memorandum and associated attachments for full project details.
Staff Memorandum
Attachment A: Vicinity Map
Attachment B: Canyons Far South Annexation Petition
Attachment C: Canyons Far South Annexation Plat
Attachment D: Planned Development Plan and Zoning Regulations
Attachment E: Canyons South Planned Development, 7th Amendment
Attachment F: LSAR - Surrounding Densities
Attachment G: LSAR Developable Areas
Attachment H: LSAR Vegetative Cover
Attachment I: LSAR Cultural Resources Map
Attachment J: Castle Rock Water Resources Inclusion Area Map
Attachment K: Traffic Impact Analysis
Attachment L: Fiscal Impact Analysis