To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
From: Ryan Germeroth, P.E., Transportation Planning & Traffic Engineering Manager
Update: 2016 Town of Castle Rock Motor Vehicle Crash Facts
Executive Summary
Each year the Public Works Department produces an annual crash report that is used to help identify needed safety improvements and trends in driver behavior. This is only one element of the Department’s efforts to identify and correct problems on our street network. Other activities include an annual traffic signal warrant study to identify intersections needing to be signalized, the neighborhood traffic calming program and our ongoing collection of traffic volume and vehicle speed information.
The 2016 report is included as Attachment A. Since 2005, our population and the total number of crashes has increased by over 50%. The number of crashes that occurred in 2016 was slightly less than the 2015 total. There was about a 30% increase in collisions from 2014 to 2015 but the trend appears to have plateaued for now. However, it is worth noting, that as traffic volumes increase in the Town it is likely that an increase in vehicle collisions will follow. The good news is that the number of injury crashes has held steady and is down from the most recent peak in 2013.
The findings of the 2016 report were presented to the Public Works Commission on November 6, 2017. No content changes are expected to be made to the report as a result of that meeting.
Budget Impact
This report does not have any impact to the current budget.
Staff Recommendation
There is not a formal recommendation on this item as it is for informational and feedback purposes.
Staff Report
Attachment A: 2016 Town of Castle Rock Motor Vehicle Crash Facts