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File #: RES 2025-022    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Calendar
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with Merriman Land Works, LLC, for the 2025 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Project
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Contract, 3. Attachment A: Bid Summary
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo/Audio
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To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager

                      Daniel Sailer, Director of Public Works


From:                     Jason Hauser, Project Manager



Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with Merriman Land Works, LLC, for the 2025 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Project




Executive Summary


Maintaining the Town’s streets is important for public safety, travel efficiency, and as a means to extend the useable life of the streets. This is an annual Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP) for the Town’s Street system and is intended to preserve the Town’s Street infrastructure. Preservation and rehabilitation treatments work to extend the lifespan of street segments at the lowest lifecycle cost. Once street segments reach the end of their lifespan, reconstruction projects are identified. The PMP and reconstruction projects meet the Town’s Vision Statement goals of:


                     Providing outstanding community services including police, fire, emergency medical, parks, recreation, water and transportation

                     Ensure a Town government accountable for its vision, mission and values


In addition to these goals, the Public Works Department looks to elevate value in delivering the PMP projects. These goals are seen below, with Low Downtime, High Safety, Reliability and Low Lifecycle Cost being achieved with all maintenance projects.

The Town of Castle Rock annually budgets for needed maintenance to the Town’s Street infrastructure. The Town Council approved rotating five-year PMP will be performing at various locations within the Central regionalized area. All maintenance activities are summarized on the map (Attachment A).


The approved PMP budget for this year is $16,500,000. The total of the low bid results for identified work is $13,788,936. Staff recommends adding contingencies for the various maintenance and reconstructions projects for unforeseen conditions that total $1,378,894, or 10% of the contract amounts, for a total authorization of $15,167,830. Staff is comfortable with the contingencies and believes the identified work can be managed to comply with the plans and specifications. Contingency amounts will only be used if needed during the project. Any remaining contingency may be used to further expand the scope of work.


A summary of the individual contracts with low bid amounts plus contingency, and the contractors are shown below. See (Attachment B) for Bid Proposal Summary for all bids that were submitted.


Notification and Outreach Efforts


Staff has developed specific public coordination outreach to ensure that residences and businesses will understand construction impacts and how this may affect access to individual businesses and residences. Public outreach will occur in numerous forms such as; 1) the Public Outreach Open House, 2) Town newsletters, 3) HOA letters, 4) Town social media, 5) Door notifications, 6) Press releases, 7) the Town website, and others. Residents and businesses will be notified of actual dates that work is to be completed adjacent to their properties, and traffic control plans will be developed and managed to ensure worker and public safety.


Town staff will host an in-house, Public Outreach Open House in March. This Public Outreach Open House will consist of detailed maps of the maintenance work to let concerned residents know which streets will receive treatments and how it may affect them. The locations will be communicated on the Public Outreach Open House mailer. Staff plans to coordinate with neighborhood Home Owners Associations (HOA).  Furthermore, press releases will be published before the start of PMP construction season to notify the public of work locations and dates.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


Town Council approved the Town’s rotating five-year PMP regionalized area plan for residential streets at the November 1, 2011 Town Council meeting. The Town’s five year regional plan divides the town into five regionalized areas. Primary streets can be included in any year of the five-year program. The program will then annually rotate around these five areas excluding primary streets and downtown Castle Rock such that every fifth-year repairs to an area’s residential street system will occur. In addition to the regionalized five-year PMP, the Public Works Department has developed the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) to maximize value from each asset for our stakeholders. Staff has begun making adjustments to the regionalized plan to better align with SAMP policies of working to obtain the lowest total lifecycle cost.




The Town’s goal for the PMP is to preserve and extend the life of the Town’s streets by making the most cost-effective annual improvements to selected street segments.  These goals are met when proper street maintenance is administered to these segments.


Staff determines which streets require maintenance by evaluating street condition ratings in addition to a subjective analysis. A pavement maintenance management program, the Cartegraph Pavement Asset Module, establishes these condition ratings. This program establishes a condition rating based on staff field observation for the streets, and rates them from poor to excellent condition. Different types of street maintenance treatments, such as crack seal, slurry seal, mill & overlay, full depth reclamation, and reconstruction are identified based on the condition of the roadway.


The most commonly used and cost-effective pavement maintenance activity is crack sealing. Crack seal material is placed into pavement cracks, generally 1/8 of an inch and larger to seal and fill to prevent the intrusion of water and incompressible material into the crack, and to reinforce the adjacent pavement. This year under the PMP, the Town will apply crack seal material as part of the Slurry Seal Project.


Slurry Seal is a form of maintenance to keep a newer street in good condition. This type of seal is thin in nature and meant to keep water out of minor cracks, and improve skid resistance. This year the Town will complete approximately 36 lane-miles of slurry seal, which is 5% of the Town’s streets. A lane-mile is a single lane width by a mile long.


Another category of street maintenance is an asphalt mill and overlay. This maintenance treatment removes and replaces a layer of asphalt without compromising the original pavement section. This work is costlier than a slurry seal and normally will be done to a street that has more than one distress. The distresses include minor alligator or fatigue cracking, joint reflective cracking, longitudinal / transverse cracking, thermal cracking, potholes, raveling and rutting. This year the Town will complete approximately 28 lane-miles of mill & overlay, which is approximately 4% of the Town’s streets.


A Street that has reached its end of service life, or has passed it, requires reconstruction, via Remove and Replace or Full Depth Reclamation. Remove and Replace reconstruction, and Full Depth Reclamation involves removing the pavement section in its entirety, moisture conditioning the subgrade and installing a new pavement section. Reconstruction essentially begins a new service life for the pavement. This year the Town will perform approximately 6 lane-miles of reconstruction, which is approximately 1% of the Town’s streets.


Staff also evaluates the condition of the Town’s concrete curb, gutter, and public sidewalks within project limits. These contracts will remove and replace damaged concrete infrastructure that is a hazard to pedestrians or to the traveling public.


The invitation to bid for construction of the various projects was advertised in December 2024. Bids were opened for the projects in January, 2025.


Budget Impact


A list showing the various PMP projects and the bid results is attached (Attachment B). All bids were checked for accuracy, references were checked, and all documents were reviewed for contract compliance. Staff believes that each of the recommended bidders is qualified to perform the work associated with the respective maintenance contract. A summary of the individual contracts with bid amount plus contingency and the contractors are shown on the following table:


It is anticipated that concrete repairs will begin in early April. The asphalt overlay, pavement reconstruction and sealing aspects of the projects will occur in the summer months. All PMP projects are expected to be completed in the fall.




Staff recommends that Town Council approve the resolution as introduced by title. This item was reviewed by the Public Works Commission at their March 3rd meeting. Their formal recommendation will be provided at the Council meeting.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolutions as introduced by title.”


Alternative Motions:


“I move to approve the resolutions as introduced by title with the following changes ______”


“I move to continue this item to a future Town Council meeting date”






Attachment A: Bid Summary