To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Mark Marlowe, P.E. Director of Castle Rock Water
Roy Gallea, Engineering Manager
Shantanu Tiwari, Engineering CIP Project Manager
Resolution Approving the Second Amendment to the Town of Castle Rock Service Agreement with W.W. Wheeler & Associates, Inc., for the Castle Rock Reservoir No. 2 Project [5219 Rio Grande Ave, Sedalia, CO 80135]
Executive Summary
Castle Rock Water is seeking approval of a Resolution to amend the Professional Services Agreement (Attachment A) with W. W. Wheeler & Associates, Inc. (Wheeler) to accommodate out of scope items and to extend the contract design completion date of Castle Rock Reservoir No. 2 (CRR2) located in northwest Douglas County. Renewable water storage is a key part of Castle Rock Water’s long term renewable water plan. CRR2 will be a critical component of Castle Rock Water’s renewable water storage. W.W. Wheeler & Associates proposed a fee of $555,700. This cost included design, permitting and bidding phase services for the CRR2 design project. Council also authorized a Town managed contingency of $55,570 for a total authorization of $611,270. The First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement was approved in June 2021 and included conducting additional geotechnical investigation within the reservoir’s footprint. The costs associated with the first amendment utilized the full contingency bringing the contract amount to $611,270.
Staff has requested an expansion of work scope through a Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement to include reservoir grading alternatives analysis, Conditional Letters of Map Revision (CLOMR) report preparation and submission to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), southwest borrow area geotechnical investigation, additional design of site piping system modifications, additional electrical and controls design work, and additional assistance for Douglas County approval and permitting. The cost of this additional work from Wheeler will add $102,100 to the current contract amount, for a total contract amount of $713,370. The Town has also been awarded a grant from the Colorado Water Conservation Board for $125,000 for the permitting and design of CRR2, bringing the Town outlay for the project to $588,370.
Wheeler shall undertake the additional work upon execution of the second amendment to the agreement and shall complete work no later than March 31, 2023. A location map for the proposed Castle Rock Reservoir No. 2 is provided (Attachment B).
History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions
The Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Wheeler was presented to the CRW Commission on August 26, 2020. The CRW Commission recommended Council approve the agreement for $555,700 with a Town managed contingency of $55,570.
On September 15, 2020, the Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement for $555,700 with Wheeler was presented to Council. Council unanimously approved the agreement in Resolution 2020-092 as well as a Town managed contingency of $55,570.
Castle Rock Water’s long-term goal is to provide a sustainable, reliable and renewable water supply for all of Castle Rock’s citizens and businesses. Renewable water storage plays a primary role in Castle Rock Water’s long term renewable water plan. As part of this water supply plan, the Town of Castle Rock purchased a surface water diversion, pumping stations, and raw water storage facilities located on Plum Creek near the Town of Sedalia. The diversion point is downstream from the confluence of East and West Plum Creek, which will allow the Town to maximize the use of its water rights, including reusable supplies and native supplies owned in East and West Plum Creek.
Existing facilities include a diversion structure, two pump stations and a raw water storage reservoir, Castle Rock Water Reservoir No. 1 (CRR1-240 acre-feet capacity). The diversion structure provides for controlled diversion of water from Plum Creek to the Plum Creek Pump Station, which delivers water to CRR1 and to the Ravenna Pump Station (RPS). Construction of the new Plum Creek Diversion Pump Station (PCDPS) is nearing completion, which will replace the existing Plum Creek Pump Station, and pump raw water from Plum Creek to CRR1 and from CRR1 to Plum Creek Water Purification Facility (PCWPF). In accordance with the Water Resources Strategic Master Plan, Castle Rock Water is planning to construct Castle Rock Reservoir No. 2 (CRR2-850 acre-feet capacity) immediately east of CRR1. This new reservoir will help Castle Rock Water to accommodate daily high demands during summer months in the coming years and as an additional storage vessel for those times when Castle Rock’s junior surface water rights are in priority, or when free river conditions exist.
CRR2 will be constructed at 5219 Rio Grande Ave, Sedalia, CO 80135. This 145-acre land parcel (Douglas County Parcel No. 2353-151-00-001) is owned by the Plum Creek Trust and is categorized as agricultural land. The Town of Castle Rock obtained a blanket easement at this property in 2017 as part of the purchase of numerous water assets located in Douglas County from United Water and Sanitation District.
Wheeler was awarded a contract for the design for CRR2 in October, 2020 (TCR- RES 2020-092), and has been moving forward on the design since this time. Design services have included site survey and geotechnical investigation, laboratory testing of soil samples, site seismicity testing, hydrologic evaluation and hazard classification, environmental permitting, site approval with Douglas County, preparation of an emergency action plan, and bidder qualification and bid assistance services. Design drawings have reached the 90% level.
Following the 60% design completion review of the reservoir design, Wheeler and CRW staff discussed additional work that needs to be completed outside of the original scope in order to address potential water quality concerns and to ensure compliance with requirements brought forward by the State Engineer’s Office (SEO). These out of scope items include reservoir grading alternatives, CLOMR report preparation and submission, additional electrical and controls design work and design of additional modification to piping systems at the site. The total cost of the design work associated with these additional items is $102,100. The original agreement amount was $555,700. The Town also had a Town managed contingency of $55,570. To date, Wheeler has expended the original agreement amount plus the contingency for a total of $611,270. The additional funds being requested will bring the total agreement amount to $713,370.
Budget Impact
Funding for this project was approved by Resolution 2020-092. The account currently has a balance of $6,120.00 and contingency funds have been exhausted to accommodate contract amendment 1. Additional funds in the amount of $102,100 are necessary to fund the second amendment to the professional services agreement. The Town has also been awarded a grant from the Colorado Water Conservation Board for $125,000 for the permitting and design of CRR2.
Project Code |
Account Number |
Amount Requested |
Contingency Available |
211-4375-443-79-15 |
$102,100 |
$0.00 |
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the contract amendment with Wheeler to expand the work scope to include reservoir grading alternatives analysis, CLOMR report preparation, southwest borrow area geotechnical investigation, design of additional piping system modifications at the site, additional electrical and controls design work, and additional assistance for Douglas County approval and permitting.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Alternative Motions
“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on _____ date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”
Attachment A: Resolution
Exhibit 1: Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement
Attachment B: Location Map