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File #: RES 2017-060    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/20/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 7/18/2017 Final action: 7/18/2017
Title: Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with 53 Corporation, LLC for the Wolfensberger Road Culvert Replacement at the Omni Tributary Project [Wolfensberger Road, just west of Red Hawk Drive]
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Resolution, 2. Exhibit 1: Contract, 3. Attachment B: Map

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water 



Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with 53 Corporation, LLC for the Wolfensberger Road Culvert Replacement at the Omni Tributary Project [Wolfensberger Road, just west of Red Hawk Drive]




Executive Summary


Castle Rock Water is seeking Town Council approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) awarding a construction contract (Exhibit 1) with 53 Corporation, LLC for the Wolfensberger Road Culvert Replacement at the Omni Tributary Project in the amount of $813,196, plus a ten percent Town-managed contingency in the amount of $81,320, for a total project authorization of $894,516.  This project is located on Wolfensberger Road, approximately 600 feet west of the intersection with Red Hawk Drive.  A location map is provided (Attachment B).  Improvements include replacing the existing twin 48-inch corrugated metal pipe culverts with a twelve foot by eight foot concrete box culvert, upstream and downstream grouted boulder drop structures, associated channel grading, and utility relocations.  The project is scheduled to be completed in October 2017.


Notification and Outreach Efforts


Staff will provide construction notifications to adjacent property owners prior to the start of construction.  This project will require temporary detours on Wolfensberger Road; however, two lane traffic is anticipated to remain open during construction.  Staff will follow the established notification process for temporary lane closures and detours.  A permanent and temporary drainage easement is required on this project.  Staff has negotiated a price and is working through the final details on the agreement, which is anticipated to be signed prior to the start of the project. The Town has coordinated this project with other departments, including Public Works, Development Services, applicable utility companies, and adjacent developers.  No outstanding issues exist at this time.


History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions


This construction contract was presented to the Castle Rock Water Commission on June 28, 2017.  The Commission unanimously voted in favor of recommending Town Council approval.






This project is identified in the Omni, Industrial, Westfield Watershed Master Plan Final Preliminary Design Report prepared by CH2M Hill, dated January 2011 (Master Plan).  This study identifies the need for the existing culverts to be replaced to enlarge the capacity to convey the 100-year fully developed peak flow without overtopping the roadway.


This project is required to protect private property at the northwest corner of Wolfensberger Road and Red Hawk Drive, and reduce impacts to traffic during flooding.  Site development design related with downstream development (Wolfensberger Apartments, currently under construction) has determined that because of the insufficient culvert capacity under the roadway, a portion of the major storm event peak flows will overtop the road and flow east and north down Wolfensberger Road, with the potential to impact the development and motorists on Wolfensberger Road.


The Town entered into negotiations with Challenger Homes, the downstream developer, to cost share the design and construction costs for the culvert replacement.  Per the Subdivision Improvement Agreement, the developer contributed $130,000 toward the project in the form of a cash payment.  Remaining funds for the project will come from the Stormwater Enterprise.


Castle Rock Water Stormwater Division solicited construction bids via Rocky Mountain BidNet.  Bids were received from nine contractors and are summarized below:


                     Contractor                      Bid Price

                     53 Corporation, LLC                     $ 813,196.00

                     Hudick Excavating, Inc.                     $ 850,482.90

                     Jalisco International, Inc.                     $ 878,590.10

                     American Civil Constructors, LLC                     $ 880,646.00

                     Wildcat Construction Co., Inc.                     $ 912,086.00

                     Edge Contracting, Inc.                     $ 916,549.65

                     M. A. Mortenson Company                     $ 918,575.00

                     Esco Construction Company                     $ 918,664.01

                     Rocky Mountain Excavating, Inc.                     $ 923,945.69


                     Engineers Estimate                     $ 866,060.00                                          


53 Corporation, LLC is the confirmed lowest bidder, having also met the minimum qualifications under the contract.  Construction is anticipated to begin in August and will be substantially complete by the end of October 2017, weather permitting.


Budget Impact


This project will be funded through the Stormwater fund account below, having a current budget of $55,317 to cover remaining design costs.  A budget transfer has been submitted in the amount of $895,000 from Stormwater CIP to cover the cost of construction.  Budget will be transferred as follows: 


                     $100,000 from the Omni Tributary Stabilization Phase II Project

                     $450,000 from the Douglas Lane Tributary Stabilization Project

                     $345,000 from the Parkview Tributary Stabilization Project


A cash-in lieu payment was received by the Town from the developer of Wolfensberger Apartments, in the amount of $130,000, in September 2016 for this project.



Account Number




Stormwater CIP - Omni Trib Stabilization






Staff Recommendation


Staff recommends Town Council approval of a Resolution awarding a Construction Contract to 53 Corporation, LLC for the Wolfensberger Road Culvert Replacement at the Omni Tributary Project in the amount of $813,196, plus a ten percent staff-managed contingency in the amount of $81,320, for a total project authorization of $894,516.


Proposed Motion


“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”




Attachment A:                       Resolution

Exhibit 1:                     Contract                     

Attachment B:                     Map