To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
Daniel Sailer, P.E., Director of Public Works
From: Jason Hauser, Project Manager
Resolution Approving a Construction Contract with Western Plains Construction LLC, for the 2025 Town Facility Parking Lot Improvement Project
Executive Summary
Staff is seeking approval of a resolution to enter into a construction contract between the Town of Castle Rock and Western Plains Construction, LLC. for the Town Facility Parking Lot Improvement (program) project. Maintaining the Town’s parking lots is important for public safety, travel efficiency, and as a means to extend the useable life of the pavements with the goal of maintaining each asset to the lowest total cost. These are goals that the community values in the Town’s Transportation infrastructure. This project is intended to preserve the Town’s parking lots. This program meets the Community’s values of:
• Low Environmental Impact
• High Safety
• Low Downtime
• Low Lifecycle cost
• Reliability
The Town of Castle Rock annually budgets for this program to perform needed maintenance to the Town parking lots. This year’s maintenance work generally consists of maintenance work at Crowfoot Valley Fire Station #155, P.S Miller Park and Rock Park, as shown on the attached maps (Attachment A).
It is anticipated work will begin in early August and the project is expected to be completed by end of September. The reason for the late summer start is that school will be back in session, so this translates to reduced use of the parking lots during the work week.
The low bid results for identified work is $367,562. The staff requests a contingency amount of 10%, or $36,756 to address any unforeseen issues for a total encumbrance of $404,318. Staff is comfortable with the contingency and believes the identified work can be managed to comply with the plans and specifications. Contingency amount will only be used if needed during the project. Any remaining contingency may be used to further expand the scope of work.
The Town’s goal for these improvements is to preserve and extend the life of the Town’s facilities parking lots by making annual improvements to selected parking lots. Staff has established a five-year plan that will address maintenance for Town facility parking lots by evaluating the parking lot pavement condition with onsite inspections. Different types of maintenance treatments, such as asphalt mill and overlay, asphalt patching, seal coat, and concrete pavement panel replacement are identified based on the condition of the pavement.
The invitation to bid for construction of this project was advertised on Rocky Mountain BidNet in December 2024. Bids were opened for the project on January 22, 2025. A summary of the bid results is attached (Attachment B). The bid was checked for accuracy, references were contacted, and contract compliance was met. Staff believes that the low bidder is qualified to perform the work associated with the respective maintenance contract.
Budget Impact
The approved budget is $550,000 in account 136-1820-418-40-31 to cover the requested encumbrance of $404,318. The total proposed encumbrance is $367,562, plus a Town managed 10% contingency of $36,756 for a total of $404,318. A summary of the individual contract with bid amount plus contingency and the contractor is shown on the following table:

Staff recommends that Town Council approve the resolution as introduced by title. This item was reviewed by the Public Works Commission at their March 3rd meeting. Their formal recommendation will be provided at the Council meeting.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Alternative Motions:
“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title with the following changes ______”
“I move to continue this item to a future Town Council meeting date”
Attachment A: Project Site Maps
Attachment B: Project Bid Summary