Castle Rock Banner
File #: HPB 2022-019    Version: 1 Name:
Type: HPB Topic Status: New Agenda Topic
File created: 9/27/2022 In control: Historic Preservation Board
On agenda: 10/5/2022 Final action:
Title: 420 Jerry Street Local Restoration Grant Application North 37.5 Ft Lot 17 And W 1/2 Lot 18 Block 13 Town of Castle Rock [Chamber of Commerce, Siding Replacement]
Attachments: 1. Staff Memorandum, 2. Attachment A: Vicinity Map, 3. Attachment B: Local Restoration Grant Application, 4. Public Record Document: Staff Presentation

To:                     Members of the Historic Preservation Board


From:                     Brad Boland, AICP, Long Range Project Manager, Development Services



420 Jerry Street Local Restoration Grant Application
North 37.5 Ft Lot 17 And W ½ Lot 18 Block 13 Town of Castle Rock
[Chamber of Commerce, Siding Replacement]




Executive Summary


The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce, the owner of property located at 420 Jerry Street, is requesting a local rehabilitation grant to assist with the cost of replacing the siding with like materials. The Christenson House/Victoria’s House is locally landmarked. This local grant request is for $2,000.


Please see the attached staff memorandum and associated attachments for full project details.





Staff Memorandum

Attachment A:                     Vicinity Map

Attachment B:                     Local Restoration Grant Application