To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Mark Marlowe, P.E. Director of Castle Rock Water
Roy Gallea, Engineering Manager
Josh Hansen, project Manager
Resolution Approving a Service Agreement with Providence Infrastructure Consultants, Inc., for the Plum Creek to Rueter-Hess Reservoir Pipeline Infrastructure Project [Northern Castle Rock and Eastern Castle Pines]
Executive Summary
Castle Rock Water is seeking Town Council approval of a resolution (Attachment A) approving a services agreement (Exhibit 1) in the amount of $1,262,595 with Providence Infrastructure Consultants (Providence) along with $126,300 (10%) staff-managed contingency, for a total authorization of $1,388,895 to complete final design services for the proposed Plum Creek to Rueter-Hess Reservoir (RHR) Pipeline Infrastructure (pipeline, pump station, and outlet structure).
Castle Rock Water’s Strategic Master Plan identifies pipeline infrastructure needed to convey renewable and reuseable water from the Plum Creek Basin to RHR for storage during periods when available supply exceeds demand. Storage of this water is critical for responding to future irrigation season demands. Given the high growth rate that Castle Rock continues to experience, speeding up the schedule to complete this project is critical. This is an important reason that Providence was asked to provide a sole source bid on the final design of this project.
Providence was retained through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process to complete an alignment study and preliminary pipeline infrastructure design. Providence completed the alignment study in late 2021 and the Town selected a proposed pipeline corridor. Preliminary design has begun and will be completed concurrently with the pipeline corridor survey. Staff solicited a proposal from Providence for final design services of the pipeline infrastructure. Staff are of the opinion that the proposed effort, scope, and fees represent good value to the Town and recommend contracting the work with Providence.
History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions
On March 23, 2022 Castle Rock Water Commission voted unanimously (6-0) to recommend award of a services agreement in the amount of $1,262,595 with Providence along with authorization of $126,300 in staff-managed contingency to complete final design for the proposed Plum Creek to RHR Pipeline Infrastructure.
Notification and Outreach Efforts
Castle Rock Water staff have met with a few of the largest property owners along the proposed alignment corridor to discuss potential pipeline easement details. There are approximately 36 different properties along the proposed alignment. As the design is developed, a land acquisition firm will be engaged to assist with property access for surveying and easement acquisitions along the corridor.
A need for a sustainable long-term water supply was identified in Castle Rock Water’s Strategic Master Plan and one of the major goals of that plan is establishment of a renewable, sustainable water supply that accounts for 75% of the annual demand for water in Castle Rock. Renewable water sources for Castle Rock include a combination of existing surface water rights along East and West Plum Creek, reusable lawn irrigation and reclaimed water flows, and imported surface water from outside of the Plum Creek Basin.
A critical component of the Town’s long-term water supply is its diversion structure on Plum Creek near Sedalia. The structure is downstream of the Plum Creek Water Reclamation Authority (PCWRA) outfall where the majority of the Town’s wastewater is reclaimed. Construction of a new pump station and 30-inch pipeline was recently completed and is now operating to convey raw water from the Plum Creek Diversion to the Plum Creek Water Purification Facility (PCWPF) in Castle Rock. In addition to using this diverted water for on demand raw water supply, the Town desires the capability to transfer this water to RHR for storage during periods when the available supply exceeds demand. The stored water will provide an additional supply that can later be pumped back to the Town through the local WISE pipeline to help meet peak season demands.
In March of 2021, through a competitive Request for Proposal process, the Town retained Providence to complete an alignment study and preliminary design of new pipeline infrastructure (pipeline, pump station, and outlet structure) to convey renewable water to RHR. The study evaluated 4 different alternative alignments based on factors including cost, schedule, operational flexibility, environmental impacts, property impacts, and constructability. Providence completed the study in late 2021 and staff selected a pipeline alignment for the project. Water staff is working to complete a pipeline corridor survey which will allow completion of preliminary design for the pipeline infrastructure.
The selected pipeline corridor is roughly 7.5 miles in length and runs northeast from Plum Creek through the Promenade Development and around the western and northern edges of Sapphire Point before turning north through The Canyons and North Canyons developments to the south shores of RHR (see Attachment B).
Providence completed a thorough evaluation of pipeline alternatives and is beginning preliminary pipeline design. Staff solicited a proposal (Exhibit 1) from Providence for final design services of the pipeline infrastructure. The proposal includes the following scope of services;
• 60% Design Documents for pipeline, pump station, and outlet structure
• Meeting coordination w/ CDOT regarding proposed Highway 85 and Interstate 25 Crossings
• Project survey coordination
• Utility locating and potholing
• Geotechnical boring, testing, and engineering for open trench and trenchless construction
• Environmental and cultural evaluations permitting assistance
• Property owner meetings and easement acquisition assistance
• Technical Specifications
• Cost estimating at 60% and 100% design
• 100% Design Documents for pipeline, pump station, and outlet structure
• Municipal permitting assistance
• Douglas County Location & Extent permitting coordination
• Construction bid phase assistance and contract award recommendation
• Issued for Construction Documents
Staff has reviewed the final design proposal and is of the opinion that the proposed effort and scope is appropriate for the project and that the rates and fees are fair and competitive when reviewed with engineering costs for projects similar in nature.
Providence will proceed with final design services following completion of the corridor survey and preliminary design. Providence estimates 14 months’ duration for final design services. Subsequent construction bidding is anticipated in the summer of 2023 with construction completion in 2024.
Budget Impact
Funding for this project will come from the 2022 budget as shown below.
Project |
Account Number |
Budget |
Available Balance |
This Authorization |
Newlin Gulch PL & PS |
211-4375-443.78-04 |
$10,000,000 |
$9,859,026 |
$1,388,895 |
The project is being funded with Series 2022 Bond Funds. A summary of current estimated project costs is provided below.
Alignment Study/Preliminary Design |
$220,697 |
Encumbered |
Preliminary Geotech |
$19,528 |
Encumbered |
Corridor Survey |
$174,175 |
Proposed |
Final Design |
$1,388,895 |
Proposed |
Right of Way Acquisition Services |
$250,000 |
Estimated |
Right of Way Acquisition |
$1,000,000 |
Estimated |
Construction Phase Engineering |
$500,000 |
Estimated |
Construction |
$16,000,000 |
Estimated |
Total Estimated Cost: |
$19,553,295 |
Staff Recommendation
Staff requests Council approval of a services contract in the amount of $1,262,595 with Providence, along with contingency of $126,300, resulting in a total project authorization of $1,388,895 for Plum Creek to Rueter-Hess Pipeline Infrastructure final design.
Proposed Motions
“I move to recommend Town Council approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Alternative Motions
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).”
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on ___date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”
Attachment A: Resolution
Exhibit 1: Agreement
Attachment B: Alignment Corridor Map