To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Mark Marlowe, P.E., director of Castle Rock Water
Matt Benak, P.E., Water Resources Manager
Resolution Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Town of Castle Rock and Parker Water and Sanitation District Regarding the Platte Valley Water Partnership [located in Morgan, Washington, Logan and Sedgwick Counties
Executive Summary
The purpose of this memorandum is to request Town Council approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) to approve the execution of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), see Exhibit 1 to Attachment A, between the Town of Castle Rock and Parker Water and Sanitation District (PWSD) for the Platte Valley Water Partnership (PVWP). This project involves the development of a raw water storage and conveyance project on the lower South Platte River. The project, upon completion, is anticipated to consist of major physical facilities such as diversion structures, reservoir storage facilities, pumping stations, pipelines, and treatment facilities. The project will also include the Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District (LSPWCD); however, they are not a signatory to this IGA. Attachment B provides a map showing basic concepts and locations of the infrastructure.
This IGA will be for cooperation in the preconstruction phase of the project to determine the most effective way in which the Town of Castle Rock may use the project infrastructure. This preconstruction phase is anticipated to include design, engineering, permitting, land acquisition, financial planning and other activities necessary to seek construction bids and support our water court application for a significant water right in the area. However, nothing in the IGA obligates the Town of Castle Rock to actually construct any project infrastructure.
Budget Impact
The PVWP IGA will impact the Water Rights Acquisition capital projects budget (Acct. No. 211-4375-443.75-47) which has a remaining balance of $1,661,417 for 2024. Upon execution of this IGA, Castle Rock will pay PWSD $280,000 for costs already incurred by PWSD on the project. The continuing participation payments will be 25% of PWSD’s preconstruction costs which is Castle Rock’s anticipated participation level in the project infrastructure to put our new proposed water right to full use. Castle Rock has budgeted $500,000 per year over the next 5-year budgeting horizon for this agreement.
Staff Recommendation
Castle Rock Water staff presented this item to the Castle Rock Water Commission at their meeting held on September 25, 2024, and the Castle Rock Water Commission voted unanimously 5 to 0 to recommend Town Council approval of the Resolution as presented.
Proposed Motion
"I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title."
Alternative Motions
"I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).
"I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on __ date to allow additional time to (list information needed)."
Staff Report
Attachment A: Resolution
Exhibit 1: Intergovernmental Agreement
Attachment B: Concept Map of Infrastructure
Attachment C: IGA Between PWSD and LSPWCD