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File #: RES 2017-061    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Quasi-Judicial Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 7/5/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 8/1/2017 Final action: 8/1/2017
Title: Resolution Approving the Crystal Valley Ranch Filing No. 17 Site Development Plan [Single-Family; SE Corner of West Loop Road / Fox Haven Drive] (Town of Castle Rock Project #SDP17-0003)
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Attachment A: Vicinity Map, 3. Attachment B: Resolution, 4. Exhibit 1: Site Development Plan

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Sandy Vossler, Senior Planner, Development Services Department



Resolution Approving the Crystal Valley Ranch Filing No. 17 Site Development Plan [Single-Family; SE Corner of West Loop Road / Fox Haven Drive] (Town of Castle Rock Project #SDP17-0003)






Resolution Approving the Crystal Valley Ranch Filing No. 17 Site Development Plan [Single-Family; SE Corner of West Loop Road / Fox Haven Drive] (Town of Castle Rock Project #SDP17-0003)


The Town Council will now consider a request for the approval of Resolution Approving the Crystal Valley Ranch Filing No. 17 Site Development Plan [Single-Family; SE Corner of West Loop Road / Fox Haven Drive] (Town of Castle Rock Project #SDP17-0003).


In order to afford all parties due process under law, the Town Council members must be fair and impartial in deciding whether this application should be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. In making that determination, each Councilmember must consider the record, which includes the planning commission recommendation, the staff recommendation, the applicant presentation, public comment presented during the hearing, and other written public comments offered before or during the hearing. Under law, Town Council must evaluate this proposal based solely upon the record and the criteria established under the Municipal Code, which are highlighted in the staff report.  


It is important that each Councilmember remain objective and capable of considering information offered into the record during this hearing. 


Does any Councilmember believe that he or she is incapable of evaluating and voting on the application consistent with these due process requirements? If so, please describe the situation and recuse yourself from further participation on this agenda item.

Does any Councilmember have a conflict of interest or any other matter he or she would like to disclose prior to proceeding on this item?


The Council will hear from the applicant, the public and staff. Time for this public hearing is allotted as follows:

                     Staff Report:                      as needed

                     Applicant Presentation:                      as needed

                     Public Comment:                      as needed

                     Applicant Response                       as needed

                     Council Questions:                       as needed

                     Follow-up Questions:                      as needed


Madame Clerk, has this public hearing been properly noticed under the applicable regulations for this type of land use hearing? (Clerk to refer to certification from Development Services, describing the notice).


Mr. Detweiler, the staff introduction please


(Public hearing is conducted, applicant presentation, public comment, applicant response, questions from Council)


Do any Council members have any final questions of staff or the applicant before I close the public hearing and refer this to the Council for action? 


I now close the public hearing and refer this to Council for discussion and action.








To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Sandy Vossler, Senior Planner, Development Services Department


Title:                     Resolution Approving the Crystal Valley Ranch Filing No. 17 Site Development Plan [Single-Family; SE Corner of West Loop Road / Fox Haven Drive] (Town of Castle Rock Project #SDP17-0003)



Executive Summary


Crystal Valley Ranch is a master planned subdivision located in the southeast portion of the Town of Castle Rock.  It is planned for a maximum of 3,475 dwelling units.  To date, approximately 1,300 lots have been platted.  Crystal Valley Development Company is proposing a Site Development Plan (SDP) for 120 single-family detached units and 1.9 acres of open space and landscape tracts (Attachment B).  Amenities will include a neighborhood park and trail connections to the Crystal Valley trail systems and the Pinnacle Recreation Center.


The proposed use and density are permitted by the Crystal Valley Ranch Planned Development (PD) zoning.  All staff comments have been addressed through the review process. 


Staff recommends approval of this SDP.  Planning Commission will hear this application on July 27th.  Staff will update Town Council on the Planning Commission recommendation at the Council public hearing.


Budget Impact


Development of the property with 120 single-family lots will generate review and impact fees, along with use taxes.  Other ongoing costs of serving a new neighborhood, in terms of public infrastructure and amenities, as well as police and fire, will be comparable to other single-family residential developments in Castle Rock.


Staff Recommendation


Based on the analysis and findings summarized in this report, staff recommends approval of the proposed SDP.


Proposed Motion


I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title.




Attachment A:                     Vicinity Map

Attachment B:                     Resolution

Exhibit 1:                     Site Development Plan