To: Members of the Board of Adjustment
From: Tammy King, Zoning Manager
Appeal of an Administrative Decision Denying the Church of the Rock Use of Campers for Temporary Housing.
Executive Summary
Church of the Rock (“the Rock”), owns and operates a church at 4881 Cherokee Drive, Castle Rock, Colorado 80108 (“the Property”). The Rock requested approval from the Town of Castle Rock (“the Town”) to house campers on-site to provide temporary shelter for people in need. On September 29, 2023, the Town, through its Zoning Manager, denied the Rock’s request because the use of recreational vehicles (“RVs”)/campers is not a permissible use pursuant to the Rock’s PD Zoning Regulations. The Rock appeals the Town’s determination.
Exhibit A - Appeal of Zoning Manager from the Church of the Rock
Exhibit B - Ordinance No. 2003-27 with PD Zoning Regulations
Exhibit C - Church of the Rock Annexation and Development Agreement
Exhibit D - Examples of Complaints
Exhibit E - Correspondence from Town the Town dated September 26, 2022
Exhibit F - Correspondence from Town Attorney’s Office dated November 9, 2022
Exhibit G - Notice of Zoning Violation
Exhibit H - Correspondence from the Rock dated March 9, 2023
Exhibit I - Screenshots
Exhibit J - Letter of Determination for the Rock
Exhibit K - Photographs
Exhibit L - Letter of Determination re: definitions dated November 22, 2021