To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
Through: David L. Corliss, Town Manager
From: Mark Marlowe, P.E., Director of Castle Rock Water
Shawn Griffith, Operation Manager
Resolution Approving an Equipment and Services Acquisition Agreement with Techneaux Technology Services, LLC for the SCADA Founders Water Treatment Plant and Remote Site Upgrades Project [Entire Castle Rock Water Service Area]
Executive Summary
Castle Rock Water (CRW) seeks Town Council approval of a Resolution (Attachment A) approving a services agreement with Techneaux Technology Services LLC, for the CRW Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Founders Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and Remote Site Upgrades Project. This capital improvement was identified through the SCADA Master Plan (MP), adopted in December of 2019 by Council Resolution No. 2019-131. The cost for this work is $1,846,748, plus a 5% Town managed contingency of $92,338, for a total authorization request of $1,939,086.
Through a competitive request for proposal (RFP) process, bids were received on July 18, 2022, and Techneaux Technology Services LLC (Techneaux) was selected by CRW staff as the recommended consultant to complete these proposed system upgrades. The existing system is antiquated with components in service for up to 30 years. The scope of work for this project shall include, but not be limited to, replacement of the hardware and wiring for the existing control system at the Founders Water Treatment Plant (Founders), and various well and remote sites. This project will bring the system into compliance with modern cybersecurity and equipment standards and improve operator efficiencies, as recommended by our 2019 SCADA Master Plan.
Once awarded, it will take approximately 24 months to fully implement. The timing fits into CRW’s operations by allowing the majority of the work to be completed during the low demand season and the goal is to complete this by April 2024.
Notification and Outreach Efforts
This project is security sensitive and no public outreach is planned. Work will be performed at remote CRW sites and will be done out of the public eye.
History of Past Town Council, Boards & Commissions, or Other Discussions
Castle Rock Water Commission was provided with a presentation on the SCADA Master Plan on December 11, 2019, and voted to recommend Council approval. Town Council adopted the 2019 SCADA Master Plan Update on December 17, 2019.
Castle Rock Water staff presented this item to the Castle Rock Water Commission at their meeting held on July 27, 2022, and the Castle Rock Water Commission voted 6 to 0 to recommend Town Council approve the Resolution as presented.
In 2019, an updated SCADA Master Plan was completed and subsequently adopted by Town Council. Capital improvements identified in this plan included approximately $12M in improvements to be completed over a five- to seven-year period. Implementation of the SCADA Master Plan is on schedule and within budget so far. Several improvements were completed in 2020 including establishing updated standards for SCADA hardware and software, and completing a hazards assessment for cybersecurity. In 2021, additional cybersecurity upgrades have been completed including isolating the SCADA network from the Town’s business network. The Telemetry and Radio Backhaul Network project is scheduled to be completed in the Summer of 2022. Master Plan implementation expenditures to date total $1,527,189. The next planned improvements are to complete the Founders WTP and Remote Site upgrades. The budgeted amount for the 2022 SCADA System Improvements is $2,293,356.
CRW uses SCADA to monitor and control all processes in the water treatment plants and their remote sites. This current project will upgrade the hardware in the Founders WTP, it’s five surrounding well sites, as well as four water reservoirs and three pump stations. This project will replace the hardware and wiring for the existing control system at these sites as well as the construction of a control room inside the Founders WTP. The contractor will also be required to test all of the installed hardware, instrumentation and wiring. Due to supply chain issues CRW has purchased and will be providing additional hardware, such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), power supplies, input and output (I/O) cards, racks, human machine interfaces (HMIs) and network switches, for the contractor to install.
A more robust operational system will address deficiencies within the existing system and bring the system into compliance with modern cybersecurity and equipment safety standards. It also will reduce network failure risk due to aging equipment, reduce costs of support by utilizing current, non-obsolete hardware and software, improve operator efficiency by standardizing equipment and procedures, and properly manage risk and resilience associated with process automation.
The SCADA system is a separate and segregated system and is a stand-alone process by which many CRW assets are controlled remotely. For security reasons the CRW team selected, interviewed, and vetted contractors and then invited five to bid on the Founders WTP and Remote Site Upgrades RFP. Below are the results of the bid process:
Consulting Firm |
Total Cost |
Precision Electric |
$850,862 |
Techneaux |
$1,846748 |
Tetra Tech |
Declined to Bid |
Weifield Group |
Declined to Bid |
Wunderlich Malec |
$1,900,107 |
Techneaux was selected based on the qualifications that were submitted, the completeness of fulfilling the scope of work, and the project costs that were submitted. Staff has chosen Techneaux’s proposal, which met the SCADA scope of work.
Techneaux will be required to perform testing on all installed hardware and wiring, to ensure that all locations are able to communicate and operate properly. The contractor will also need to research, prepare and submit to the appropriate agency any and all necessary permits for project completion. All work will be completed within a 24-month period beginning in October 2022 and will conclude by October 2024.
Budget Impact
During the budget process of 2020, the funding for the Founders WTP and Remote Site Upgrades were identified and planned for implementation in 2022. These funds will be taken from Water SCADA System Improvement account, as follows:

Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends Town Council approval of a Resolution approving a services agreement between the Town and Techneaux for the Founders WTP and Remote Site Upgrades Project in the amount of $1,846,748, plus a 5% Town managed contingency, for a total authorization request of $1,939,086.
Proposed Motion
“I move to approve the Resolution as introduced by title.”
Alternative Motions
“I move to approve the resolution as introduced by title, with the following conditions: (list conditions).
“I move to continue this item to the Town Council meeting on _____ date to allow additional time to (list information needed).”
Attachment A: Resolution
Exhibit 1: Contract