To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council
From: Julie Kirkpatrick, PLA, ASLA, Long Range Project Manager
Appointment: Historic Preservation Board Appointment to the Design Review Board
Executive Summary
Based on recommendation from the Historic Preservation Board, the following appointment to the Town’s Design Review Board (DRB) is recommended to replace Lucia McConnell:
Historic Preservation Board Representative John Beystehner
Some of the duties of the Design Review Board related to downtown are:
• Review and approval of all development applications that require a Site Development Plan with the Downtown Overlay District;
• Review and approval of crown (top of a building) design;
• Grant variance requests per Chapter 17.42.100.B, such as relating to landscape requirements, design standards, and other relevant items;
• Grant extra floor height per Chapter 17.42.070.C;
• Assist in other duties as needed to help the Town move forward on its visions and goals for downtown.
Proposed Motion
I move to accept John Beystehner for appointment to the Town’s Design Review Board.