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File #: ID 2017-072    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Update/Presentation Item Status: Filed
File created: 9/14/2017 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 9/19/2017 Final action: 9/19/2017
Title: Department Updates: Development Projects

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of Town Council


From:                     Bill Detweiler, Director of Development Services



Department Updates: Development Projects




Executive Summary


Staff receives inquiries and new land use and building permit applications on a daily basis.  The high growth nature of our community leads to many questions and individuals seeking information.  We include the following information on the home page of the Town website under the Development Activity link.  From time to time issues may arise after this report is prepared for the Town Council meeting.  The Development Services staff can answer any questions that arise about community development activity so please contact our office through the web site or call myself or any of the Development Services management team if needed. 


1.                     New Quasi-Judicial Applications


                     Lost Coffee Façade Improvements.  The business owner is proposing removal of existing windows and replacing them with roll up garage doors to allow direct street access.  This application requires a public hearing with the Design Review Board.

                     The Oaks PD Amendment.  The applicant is requesting an increase to the number of single family homes from 117 to 184.  The development is located west of Ridge Road and Appleton Court on the Town’s southern boundary.

                     Sunstone Village (Terrain) Site Development Plan.  The application includes 120 single family attached units in an area previously approved for multifamily housing.  The project is located south of SH86 and east of the Ridge Road intersection.

                     The Garrett Companies submitted a PPA for mixed use development in the Meadows Town Center at the southeast corner of Meadows Parkway and Prairie Hawk Drive.  The proposal includes a 115,000 sq. ft. four-story building with approximately 100 residential units, office space and retail space that will initially be used as a restaurant.  The multifamily component will include a clubhouse, fitness center and courtyard.  The building will be parked by an internal parking garage supplemented by surface parking.


2.                     General Inquiries in the Town or within the County:


Brookwood Elderly Care Facility



The PPA inquiry is for a new 35,000 sq. ft. two-story building.  The Brookside management team stated the addition will provide service to the growing number of seniors in the community and is located a block north of their existing facility on South Perry Street.


Care Now Urgent Care and Retail



The PPA inquiry is for a proposed 4,800 sq. ft. two-story urgent care facility and separate 7,000 sq. ft. commercial/retail building.  The proposal is located southwest of Castle Rock Parkway and Promenade Parkway roundabout.


New World Millworks Vacant Building - Proposed Church Use



Staff received an inquiry, no PPA at this time, to reuse the existing industrial building for a church and associated church offices.  The building is located at 1211 Atchison Court and is zoned I-2, which would require Use by Special Review approval by Town Council. 


3.                     Development Activity:




                     Alexander Place: The annexation, zoning and a site development plan includes 12 duplexes, 2 single units, and a 3 ½ story independent living facility.  The project received Council approval for Substantial Compliance and Eligibility and staff completed first review comments on the PD.  The applicant is addressing traffic concerns prior to resubmittal.  The project is located east of Montana Vista and north of Founders Parkway. 

                     Castle Rock Industrial Park:  The project received Council approval for annexation and zoning on first reading.  The applicant requested a delay in second reading to resolve right-of-way, building setback, drainage, and landscaping issues.  The project is located on Santa Fe north of Liggett Road and Santa Fe Intersection.

                     Pleasant View: The project received Council approval for Substantial Compliance and Eligibility. The owner changed the representative team and staff received an updated plan, currently under review.  The property is located south of Cobblestone Ranch and west of Liberty Village.

                     Pine Canyon / Pioneer Ranch:  Both projects are under review with no projected timeframe for public hearings.  The applicant is working through issues related to traffic, open space, and water resource.  Both projects are located on Front Street south of Black Feather and north of Douglas County High School. 

                     Ridge Estates:  The proposal includes annexation and zoning for residential development.  Staff is working with the applicant on density, buffering, water use, and traffic prior to scheduling public hearings.  The project is located in Douglas County on the south boundary of Crystal Valley Ranch.

                     Your Storage:  The project received Council approval for Substantial Compliance and Eligibility to construct mini storage.  No date has been scheduled for the zoning hearings.  The project is located on South Wilcox Street south of the Medved Auto Dealership and north of World Compass Academy. 


Pending Code Amendments


                     Accessory Dwelling Units:  Based upon Council direction staff is preparing a code amendment to define the location and development standards for Accessory Dwelling Units.  Staff is preparing a draft ordinance in preparation for community meetings.  We expect this item to be before Council soon.

                     Assisted Living / Group Home:  Based upon Council direction staff is preparing a code amendment to define location and development standards for Assisted Living and Group Home Facilities.  We expect this item to be before Council soon.

                     Parking Requirement Downtown:  Based upon Council direction staff is preparing a code amendment to define parking standards in the Downtown Overlay District.  We expect this item to be before Council soon. 


Site Development Activity/ Commercial



o                     7 Eleven site plan submittal, located in the north / central part of the site.

o                     Car Wash building permit, located in the center of the site. 

o                     Chase Bank building permit, located in the southern part of the site. 

o                     Chick Fil-A site plan submittal, located in the north / central part of the site.

o                     Del Taco site plan submittal, located at the north / central part of the site.

o                     La Loma Restaurant site plan submittal, located in the north end of the site.

o                     Ledges multifamily continues construction with the goal to finish by spring 2018, located on the north end of the site. 

o                     Midici Restaurant building permit, located on the north end of the site. 

o                     Old Chicago Restaurant site and building permits, located in the central part of the site.

o                     Ross Clothing Store and Hobby Lobby site and building permits, located in the central part of the site.

o                     Starbucks and unnamed commercial unit site plan submittal, located in the north / central part of the site.



o                     Castle Rock Adventist Hospital Healing garden site plan.

o                     Collaboration Campus plans and plats, located north of the hospital and south of the high school.

o                     CVS Pharmacy site plans, located in the Town Center.

o                     Meadows drainage channel improvements, located behind homes on Skyward Way and Prairie High Road, west of Prairie Hawk Drive.

o                     Meadows Self Storage site and building construction, located on the north side of Meadows Parkway and east of the railroad tracks.

o                     Sherwin Williams Retail Store site plan, located in the Town Center.

o                     Touchstone Imaging tenant improvement at 3911 Ambrosia Street.

o                     White Construction retail buildings site and building plans under construction in the Town Center.



o                     Lost Coffee façade improvement.  The applicant is proposing rollup window and counter improvements.  The business is located at the southeast corner of Perry Street and Fourth Street.  This project will be reviewed by Design Review Board on Sept. 13th

o                     Riverwalk Mixed Use Project.  Foundation, site and utility work is underway on the south side of Sellars Creek and building demolition is complete on the north side of Sellars Creek.

o                     Town Hall expansion and Festival Park construction are currently on schedule. 

o                     The Perry and 3rd Street roundabout will be completed soon.


                     Other commercial projects throughout Town:

o                     Personal Warehouse, Buildings A, B, C and D received certificate of occupancy permits, located on Manatt Court, off of South Wilcox Street and north of the World Compass Academy. 

o                     Raising Cane’s Chicken Restaurant.  The grand opening is scheduled for September 19th.  The restaurant is located in the Target parking lot in Metzler Ranch.

o                     Zaika Restaurant commercial remodel at 78 E Allen Street, Suite 104.


Site Development Activity / Residential


                     Castle Oaks McMurdo Gulch Channel improvements and Valley View extension.

                     Meadows Embry multifamily apartments located across from Adventist Hospital.

                     Plum Creek Haystack storm drainage improvements.

                     Plum Creek Ridge Townhomes, Plum Creek Parkway and Emerald.

                     Sunstone Village in Terrain.  The Site Development Plan is under review for 120 single family units located south of SH86 and east of Ridge Road. The application has not been scheduled yet for public hearings.

                     Wolfensberger Multifamily Apartments received a temporary certificate of occupancy on their club house, located at 1465 Red Hawk Drive.


Miscellaneous Activity throughout Town


                     Church of the Rock:  Lennar Homes is moving dirt from filing 20 in the Meadows to an area on the east side of the church.  Permits have been issued and a haul route approved.  Work is underway and will continue through early September.

                     Fifth Street Apartments.  Gene Gregory submitted an application to build 68 multifamily units at the northwest corner of Fifth and Jerry Streets.  The building plans were reviewed by the DDA with a positive recommendation and a public hearing is scheduled with the Design Review Board on Sept 13th.

                     Liberty Village:  Staff is working with Richmond Homes to complete a bridge crossing on Castle Oaks Drive, planned to be completed in the next 180 days.

                     Millers Landing:  The development team took ownership of the property and is moving forward with plans for remediation of the abandoned municipal dump site. 

                     Pinon Manor:  Council approved the PD last year.  The development team is seeking a rehearing on the DA regarding street frontage improvements and water tap design.  Public hearing date for Town Council review and action is unknown.

                     Quarry Mesa Cell Tower: T-Mobile Cell provider proposed construction of a cell tower within the Quarry Mesa open space in Crystal Valley Ranch.  Neighborhood meetings occurred where residents raised objections over the location and design of the tower.  T-Mobile is taking public comments into consideration and will resubmit plans for the next neighborhood meeting.

                     World Compass Academy Expansion:  Building plans are approved and the development team is waiting for site plan approval before starting construction.